
Do your Subversion modifications in terminal through numbers instead of full file paths.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Subversion (SVN) management in terminal made easy.

What svn-number does

svn-number makes management of your SVN projects a blast.

This library includes:

  • Pointers
    Pointers are file indexes, added in front file references when running svn-number status. By referencing said indexes when you type new commands, svn-number turns each number into its respective file path, meaning you only have to type a number instead of partial or full file paths.
    • Ranges
      Apply the same svn command to multiple files at once using the hypen, -, to indicate a number ranges. E.g. 2-6 = [2,3,4,5,6].
    • Non-consecutive numbers (comma separated)
      Use commas (without any spaces) to reference non-consecutive numbers. E.g. 2,4 = [2,4]. May also be combined with ranges, e.g. 2-4,7 = [2,3,4,7].
  • Colors
    Colors are added to svn status and svn diff - i.e. when using svn-number status and svn-number diff, respectively - vastly improving readability. For details, see Styling.
  • Fixed file paths & escapes
    File paths are converted to always use forward slashes, e.g. C:\bad\windows\is\bad becomes C:/bad/windows/is/bad. No more backslash frustrations!

    Additionally, file paths are escaped, meaning space characters no longer pose a problem!

    If you dislike the pointer logic (explained above), you may now - through svn-number status - copy-paste the file names, and use them with the standard svn actions.


svn-number status

svn-number status

Notice the alternating background coloration of even line numbers. For improved readability.

svn-number diff 3

svn-number diff 3

What svn-number does not do

  • It does not modify other arguments than the Pointers and the file paths (slash conversion and escaping). This means you still have to apply additional arguments as needed. E.g. svn-number revert -R my/folder to recursively revert a folder and all of its contents.


Requires: PHP 5.3+

  • Retrieve this repository, e.g.: git clone git@github.com:kafoso/svn-number.git.
  • Add an alias or symlink, referencing the location of svn-number.php.

That's it!


  • In a terminal, navigate to your respective SVN project repository.
  • Use svn-number, e.g. by running svn-number status.

Use svn-number same way as svn, but instead write svn-number. I.e. svn-number <args> or svn-number # <args>, where the # is the integer presented to you when doing svn-number status.


Styling is added to svn-number status and svn-number diff.


I recommend doing some aliases in your .bashrc or .profile for convenience, ease of use, and speed.

For instance:

  • sn = svn-number

  • sa = svn-number add

  • sd = svn-number diff

  • so = svn-number checkout

  • srev = svn-number revert

  • srm = svn-number remove

  • ss = svn-number status


Going from git to svn, and from OSX/Linux to Windows, I needed a convenient yet reliable means of managing my SVN projects in a Git Bash terminal on Windows.

I'm not fond of GUIs for these purposes (PhpStorm, TortoiseSVN, WinSVN, etc.), and I wanted to stick with my ol' faithful terminal.

git svn was not an option due to a workplace policy, and getting existing libraries (svn-color, colordiff, etc.) to function properly on Windows is often tedious and frustrating.

Therefore, I decided it was time for a minimalist SVN library, providing some much needed conveniences. A library, which should work cross-platform.

PHP became the choice of programming language. It's a language I'm fairly adept in, it's easy to install on most operating systems, and these days it usually works out-of-the-box 1.

Inspiration & Credits

This library was inspired by:


License: MIT

Basically: Use svn-number at your own risk.


  • svn merge
  • Make argument order insignificant. Currently, the svn action and pointers must be provided as 2nd and/or 3rd arguments, e.g. "svn-number status 1" or "svn-number 1 status". However, a command like svn -u st js\views\home\HomeView.js is valid; a behavior which svn-number should reflect.
  • Terminal overflow on diffs.

Future plans

  • Enhance execution speed. Perhaps comparing change hashes is faster than a full svn status when having to do an svn diff?


1: If you run Git Bash on Windows (as I am), you need to setup the PHP PATH in Environment Variables so that it points to the location of your php.exe file.