What's interesting


Contains an "I've used it and it worked nicely" suggestion for file structure and overall architecture in a project. That's a CRA, but it has Typescript with tslint setup in a nice way with airbnb and prettier configs. All linters run in precommit stage with husky and lint-staged


react-testing-library (rtl) is used as a suggusted way of testing components, jest is recommended for everything else. Tests are already set up to use cleanup-after-each and emotion serializer in setupTests.ts file. test-utils.tsx contains an extended version of rtl render, but provides context of routing and redux store. The context can be overriden as seen in src/screens/__tests__/navigation.tsx


emotion is used as a recommended. It looks less opinionated compared to styled-components. Object styles are used over string styles in favor of autocomplete, typechecking, readability and simpler integration of variables.


Routing is already there combined with redux store, models might require some work.