Environment Setup

Using python 3.9.18 on windows

python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running a calibration

running monkeypox_optuna.py will calibrate

usage: python monkeypox_optuna.py [-h] [--vaccine_file VACCINE_FILE]
                                --cases_file CASES_FILE
                                [--population POPULATION]
                                [--ntrials NTRIALS]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--vaccine_file VACCINE_FILE
                        File with vaccine dose and date pairs. Should be CSV
                        with columns: date,vx_doses
--cases_file CASES_FILE
                        File with daily case counts over time. Should be CSV
                        with columns: diagnosis_date,count Simulation and
                        calibration will occur only for the dates in this file
--population POPULATION
                        Susceptible population
--ntrials NTRIALS     Number of trials to calibrate

Running a simulation

usage: python scenario_monkeypox.py [-h] [--vaccine_file VACCINE_FILE]
                                    [--vaccine_effectiveness VACCINE_EFFECTIVENESS]
                                    [--social_distance_start_date SOCIAL_DISTANCE_START_DATE]
                                    [--social_distance_effect SOCIAL_DISTANCE_EFFECT]
                                    [--incubation_period INCUBATION_PERIOD]
                                    [--infectious_period INFECTIOUS_PERIOD]
                                    [--r0 R0] [--population POPULATION]
                                    [--initial_exposed INITIAL_EXPOSED]
                                    [--date_start DATE_START]
                                    [--date_end DATE_END]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--vaccine_file VACCINE_FILE
                        File with vaccine dose and date pairs. Should be CSV
                        with columns: date,vx_doses
--vaccine_effectiveness VACCINE_EFFECTIVENESS
                        effectiveness of a single vaccine does [0,1]
--social_distance_start_date SOCIAL_DISTANCE_START_DATE
                        Start date at which attack rate starts to slow.
                        Format: YYYY-MM-DD
--social_distance_effect SOCIAL_DISTANCE_EFFECT
                        Multiplier to attack rate due to social distancing
--incubation_period INCUBATION_PERIOD
                        Duration of incubation period in days.
--infectious_period INFECTIOUS_PERIOD
                        Duration of infectious period.
--r0 R0
--population POPULATION
                        Susceptible population
--initial_exposed INITIAL_EXPOSED
                        Number exposed at t=0
--date_start DATE_START
                        Start date of simulation. Format YYYY-MM-DD
--date_end DATE_END   End date of simulation. Format YYYY-MM-DD