
Cloud Computing PaaS REST API: A Node.js-based API for managing user details. This RESTful service allows you to create a JSON library of users, get a list of users, insert a new user, retrieve a single user by ID, and delete a user by their ID. Built with Express.js, it's a flexible solution for user data management.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cloud Computing PaaS REST API

Cloud Computing PaaS REST API: A Node.js-based API for managing user details. This RESTful service allows you to create a JSON library of users, get a list of users, insert a new user, retrieve a single user by ID, and delete a user by their ID. Built with Express.js, it's a flexible solution for user data management.

Get List of Users

Get List of Users

Get List of User By ID

Get List of Users By ID

Inserting User

Inserting User

Deleting User By ID

Deleting User By ID


├── express@4.18.2: Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js. We use it for routing and handling HTTP requests.
├── body-parser@1.20.2: Body-parser is middleware for handling JSON data in requests. It's used to parse request bodies.
└── fs@0.0.1-security: The File System module for reading and writing files. It's used to update user data in a JSON file.

Getting Started

To run this project, make sure you have Node.js installed. Then, install the required dependencies:

npm install