Cloud Computing PaaS REST API: A Node.js-based API for managing user details. This RESTful service allows you to create a JSON library of users, get a list of users, insert a new user, retrieve a single user by ID, and delete a user by their ID. Built with Express.js, it's a flexible solution for user data management.
├── express@4.18.2: Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js. We use it for routing and handling HTTP requests.
├── body-parser@1.20.2: Body-parser is middleware for handling JSON data in requests. It's used to parse request bodies.
└── fs@0.0.1-security: The File System module for reading and writing files. It's used to update user data in a JSON file.
To run this project, make sure you have Node.js installed. Then, install the required dependencies:
npm install