Using Vim Editor in VSCode

Installing Vim Extension:

To use the Vim editor in VSCode, you first need to install the Vim Extension. You can get this extension from the vscodevim publisher. The extension has detailed documentation, and you can use it to create your own keyboard shortcuts.

Shortcut Settings:

To access the keyboard shortcuts I use, you can copy the settings.json file to the settings.json file inside VSCode. When preparing these shortcuts, I avoided defining too many shortcuts and preferred a simple structure. The reason for this is that I want to be able to code faster by getting used to the Vim editor's own keyboard shortcuts instead of the shortcuts I'm used to in different environments.

Keybindings.json File:

When you copy the keybindings.json file to the keybindings.json file inside VSCode, you can also access some VSCode keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts are:

  • Open the terminal panel
  • Create and close a new terminal
  • Navigate between terminals
  • Open/close the status bar
  • Open VSCode in centered layout
  • Shortcuts for file and folder operations

Additional Information:

In addition to these shortcuts, there are many other keyboard shortcuts that you can use with the Vim extension. For more information, you can refer to the extension's documentation.

Also, remember that when using Vim in VSCode, you can switch between different modes such as normal mode, insert mode, and command mode. There are also keyboard shortcuts for switching between these modes.

Using the Vim editor in VSCode can significantly increase your coding speed and productivity. With a little time and practice, you can improve your coding skills by getting used to Vim's keyboard shortcuts and way of working.