A wrapper for the Phoenix Channels JavaScript client
git clone
this repository -
npm install
Ember.js v3.12 or above
Ember CLI v2.13 or above
Node.js v10 or above
You can see example usage in an implementation of the classic game Timeline.
You can test this against Chris McCord's Phoenix chat example project.
- Start the Phoenix chat example server as described in the repo
- Start your Ember server with
ember server
- Open your browser console then visit your app at http://localhost:4200
- You should see the channel communication in the console
your-ember-app> ember install ember-phoenix-channel
const channelService = this.get('channelService');
channelService.connect().then(()=> {
return channelService.joinChannel('someChannel', 'someTopicType'); #see below for info about topic type
}).then((channel) => {
// some up a handler
channel.on(someTopic, (response)=> {
// do something
// push a message to the channel
channel.push("some-event", {payload: somePayload}).receive("error", e=> console.log(e));
To organize your channel responses in a convenient manner, you can subclass the channel service and override the
# app/services/my-channel-service.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import ChannelService from 'ember-phoenix-channel/services/channel-service';
const { computed, inject } = Ember;
export default ChannelService.extend({
channelTopicHandlers: {
someTopicType: {
"some-event1": function(message) {
"some-event2": function(someObject) {
When you join the channel, add the topic to attach the appropriate handlers. For example to use the handlers above:
const channel = channelService.joinChannel(`game:${gameId}`, "someTopicType");
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.