
Yummy Recipe is an application that manages the recipes. Once a user register's, he/she can Create, View, Update and Delete the categories and the recipes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Codacy Badge Build Status Coverage Status Codacy Badge



The Yummy-Recipes flask Api is a token based application that provides the user with the registration fields for the user. To access the resources of the application, the registered user must provide the actual details for the authentication. Once the user is authenticated, he/she gets the authority to manipulate the categories and the recipes in the application. Below are the steps and descriptions to make sure the application to make sure that the application is up and running.


  • Register Users modules
  • Login users modules
  • User Create, View, Edit and Delete categories modules
  • User Create, View, Edit and Delete recipes modules


  • Python 3.6 and above
  • Flask
  • Postman
  • Postgres database


Open the terminal and navigate to the desired project folder:

cd <your directory>

Using SSH method:

git clone git@github.com:kaguna/Flask-API.git

Using HTTPS method:

git clone https://github.com/kaguna/Flask-API.git

or download the repository from https://www.github.com/kaguna and transfer the folder to the working directory.

  • Move to the working directory

cd <working directory>

  • Install the virtual environment

pip install virtualenv

  • Create the virtual environment

python3 -m venv <name of choice>

  • Activate the virtual environment

source <name of choice>/bin/activate

  • Install all the required packages

pip install flask

  • Create the requirements containing packages file by

pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Deactivate the virtual environment to install packages


  • Install project requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Create a postgres database

  • Change the URL location of the database in the


  • Run the application

(<virtualenv>) ~$ <project directory> python run.py

Running tests

  • To run tests

(<virtualenv>) ~$ <project directory> pytest --cov=tests/

API Endpoints

User Authentication

URL Endpoints HTTP Requests Description Public Access
POST auth/register/ POST Create a new user TRUE
POST auth/login/ POST Generate token and grant access to the resources TRUE
POST auth/logout/ POST Logout use and revoke access TRUE
POST auth/reset-password/ POST Reset user's password TRUE


URL Endpoints HTTP Requests Description Public Access
POST categories/ POST Create a new category FALSE
GET categories/ GET Retrieve specific user's paginated categories FALSE
GET category/<category_id> GET Retrieve specific user category FALSE
PUT category/<category_id> PUT Edit a category name FALSE
DELETE category/<category_id> DELETE Delete a category FALSE


URL Endpoints HTTP Requests Description Public Access
POST category/<category_id>/recipes/ POST Create a new recipe FALSE
GET category/<category_id>/recipes/ GET Retrieve specific category's paginated recipes FALSE
GET category/<category_id>/recipe/<recipe_id> GET Retrieve specific category recipe FALSE
PUT category/<category_id>/recipe/<recipe_id> PUT Edit a recipe name FALSE
DELETE category/<category_id>/recipe/<recipe_id> DELETE Delete a recipe FALSE

Test the API

Test the API online here. It uses swagger for documentation.