
Dimba(Football League) is an application used to manage local football leagues. This is just an API.

Primary LanguageRuby


Maintainability Test Coverage

Dimba is an application used to manage local football leagues. This is the API of the app


To get started with this project:

  • Clone this repository
    git clone https://github.com/kaguna/dimba-api.git
    cd dimba-api
  • Install all the required dependencies
  • Setup the database

This project uses Postgresql. You will need to install postgres.On a Mac do:

    brew install postgres

Now setup all the environment variables:

    bundle exec figaro install

Inside the generated file in config/application.yml file, paste the sample data from config/applicaion.yml.sample file. Edit these variables to fit your local configuration of postgres.

Now do:

    rails db:create
    rails db:migrate

If you want data sample data in your database, do:

    rails db:seed
  • Run the Server

      rails s

API Documentation

User Authentication

Endpoint Method Description
sign_up POST Create a new user
login POST Generate token to grant access to API


Endpoint Method Description
teams/ POST Create a new team
teams/ GET Retrieve all teams
teams/<team_id> GET Retrieve specific team
teams/<team_id> PUT Edit team details
teams/<team_id> DELETE Delete a team


Endpoint Method Description
team/<team_id>/players/ POST Create a player
team/<team_id>/players/ GET Retrieve specific team's players
team/<team_id>/player/<player_id> GET Retrieve specific team's player
team/<team_id>/player/<player_id> PUT Edit player details
team/<team_id>/player/<player_id> DELETE Delete a player


Endpoint Method Description
leagues/ POST Create a new league
leagues/ GET Retrieve all leagues
leagues/<league_id> GET Retrieve specific league
leagues/<league_id> PUT Edit league details
leagues/<league_id> DELETE Delete a league


Endpoint Method Description
league/:league_id/fixtures/ POST Create fixtures/matches of specific league
league/:league_id/fixtures/ GET Retrieve specific league's fixtures
league/:league_id/fixtures/<fixture_id> GET Retrieve specific league's fixture
league/:league_id/fixtures/<fixture_id> PUT Edit fixture details
league/:league_id/fixtures/<fixture_id> DELETE Delete a fixture


To run tests

rspec spec

Test the API

Test the API online here.


This repository is a safe place for contribution.

  1. Fork it (https://github.com/yourname/yourproject/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request