- Exercise 1 - Learn the basics about state management
- Exercise 2 - Learn about layout composition, navigation, WS calls and Google Maps integration
To submit your work clone the repository and checkout the work branch of the exercise (exo1/work
, exo2/work
, etc.). Then create a PR against this branch with the name Exo X - My Name
, for example Exo 1 - Nicolas P.
This PR will never be accepted (sorry 😉) but will be used to check your work and make some feedback.
- Scaffold, Container, Stack
- Row, Column,
- Listview
- Padding, Center,
- Expanded, Flexible
- SizedBox, SingleChildScrollView
- GestureDetector, InkWell
Flutter official documentation is quite good, here are some links that could be interesting:
- Introduction to declarative UI
- Layouts in Flutter
- Layout constraints
- State management
- Add interactivity
- Dart language overview
- OOL principles, mixins, null safety, asynchronous programming (Future)...
The Cookbook gives some recipes for common use-cases.
The "From another platform?" section can be really useful if you have experience in another platform: