
An Html Mailer component for .Net Core 3.x inspired by MvcMailer.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


An Html Mailer component for .Net Core 3.x inspired by MvcMailer.


This feature will be coming soon.


The KahanuMailer is inspired by MvcMailer, but it has no dependency on ASP.NET MVC. It can be used directly in a .Net Core 3.x application.

Like MvcMailer it is designed to be used with HTML view templates in a Views folder in the file system. Mailer C# classes are created that encapsulate the logic for populating the templates with your own data.

KahanuMailer uses Handlebars.Net to merge your data with the HTML templates.

Unfortunately KahanuMailer doesn't contain a PowerShell script to generate the views and classes, but there are Visual Studio snippets that make that task easier.

C# Interface and class

Interfaces and classes directly mimic the MvcMailer interfaces and classes.

    public interface IRegistrationMailer
        EmailMessage Customer(RegistrationMailerContext context);

The class contains the logic to populate the HTML templates.

    public class RegistrationMailer : MailerBase<RegistrationMailerContext>, IRegistrationMailer
        #region ctors

        public RegistrationMailer(ISmtpConfiguration configuration) : base(configuration)
            LayoutName = "_Layout";


        #region Public Methods

        public EmailMessage Customer(RegistrationMailerContext context)
            return Populate(m =>
                m.ViewName = "customer";
                m.Subject = context.Subject;
                m.Body = BuildBody(context);



For the HTML views, the _Layout.html is just an HTML layout view with Handlebars.Net placeholders.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
        .header {
            padding: 10px;
            background-color: #f7d736;
            margin-bottom: 20px;
            width: 100%;

        .footer {
            padding: 10px;
            background-color: #f7f7f7;
            margin-top: 20px;
            width: 100%;
    <div class="header">
        <img src="cid:{{ > logoCid }}" />
    {{ > body }}
    <div class="footer">
        &copy;2020 Tech - All rights reserved.

If you don't know about Handlebars.Net syntax, it will help to do some research in order to better understand how it works.

** Quick Handlebars Explanation **

  • {{ FirstName }} - the double curly braces are the basic placeholder tokens. In your content, the FirstName property will replace the {{ FirstName }} Handlebars placeholder.
  • {{ > parakeetCid }} - this placeholder contains a greater-than character (>) before the token name. This means that it's a template partial, mostly used for optional elements like linkedresources, etc.
  • {{{ CustomerMessage }}} - the triple curly braces denotes raw html. If your content to be inserted into the HTML template contains HTML tags, in order to render it as HTML and not print it to the screen as HTML, you need to use the triple curly braces.

The content HTML part also contains Handlebars.Net placeholders.

<p>{{ Now }}</p>
<p>{{ FirstName }} {{ LastName }},</p>
{{{ CustomerMessage }}}
<p>My bird: <img src='cid:{{ > parakeetCid }}' /></p>
<p>Thanks, TechWiz Support.</p>

Setup and Configuration

To setup and configure KahanuMailer, you need to do some things depending on how you want to provide the Smtp configuration settings for the mailer. You have two options at the moment, appSettings and database.

AppSettings Configuration

This is the easiest configuration to setup. You need to create an SmtpConfiguration section in the appSettings file.

  "SmtpConfiguration": {
    "Server": "secure.host.com",
    "Port": 587,
    "Username": "sample@host.com",
    "Password": "password",
    "UseAuthentication": true

If you won't be using authentication for the mail server connection, set the UseAuthentication to false, then you don't need to set the UserName and Password properties.

Database Configuration

At the moment, KahanuMailer is only compatible with SQL Server. To get the Smtp configuration settings from the database, you need to create a table called anything you want, but with the same properties names as the appSettings configuration section.

Startup File Configuration

In the Startup file, you just need to set the KahanuMailer in the RegisterServices method.

        static void RegisterServices(IConfiguration config)
            var services = new ServiceCollection();
            services.AddScoped<IRegistrationMailer, RegistrationMailer>();

            services.AddKahanuMailer(config, options =>
                options.UseConfig(db =>
                    db.ConnectionStringName = "SampleConnection";
                    db.SmtpConfigTableName = "SmtpConfiguration";


The AddKahanuMailer ServiceCollection extension method has a couple overloads that allow for different configurations, either by appSettings or database.

If you are just going to use the appSettings, you just need to add the method alone.


This will look for theSmtpConfiguration section of the appSettings configuration, and use those settings.

If you will be using the database configuration, then you need to set some properties.

            services.AddKahanuMailer(config, options =>
                options.UseConfig(db =>
                    db.ConnectionStringName = "SampleConnection";
                    db.SmtpConfigTableName = "SmtpConfiguration";

You just need to set the connection string name in the appSettings, and set the SQL Server table for the configuration. The connection string will look something like this:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SampleConnection": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=MailHub;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;"

That's all that is needed to setup and configure KahanuMailer.

I hope you enjoy using it.