A HTML5 canvas endless list for mobile.
With the development of HTML5, more and more browsers would support the canvas element in HTML5. What is more, comparing with the traditional HTML and CSS layout, a canvas element acts the same in diferent browsers (Please forget CSS hack), and performs better, especially on mobile devices.
If you are doing a HTML5 application for mobile, it is good for you to try it.
Mobile, Finger motion recognition, Endless list, The same animation with native application, High performance, Do not rely on other libraries, Easy to use, 5KB size
IOS 6+
Android 2.3+ (have not tested)
Please visit with a mobile device. It dose not work on desktop.
It contains 10,000 rows and has a touch reaction on each row.
###Initialization var your_list_name = EndlessList({
/*necessary param*/
canvas: ..., //your canvas element.
offset: { //It cantains four position numbers of the canvas element
top: ..., //If the screen DPI is high,
left: ..., //it is better to set the width and height of your canvas
width: ..., //to double (like 1000px for 500px),
height: ... //and use css to compress (width: 500px).
DPI: ..., //is 1 or 2.
//If the Dots Per Inch of your screen is high, it is 2
main: function(positionY, count){},
//your drawing function for each row. PositionY is the
//start Y position of the row. Count is the number of
//the row. This function should return a height of the
//row. If there is no return, the list will end.
/*other param*/
touchstart = function(fingerPosition){}, //trigger when a finger starts touch.
touchmove = function(fingerPosition){}, //when a finger moves on the list.
touchend = function(fingerPosition){}, //when a finger ends touch.
touchleft = function(fingerPosition){}, //when a finger moves left on the list.
touchright = function(fingerPosition){}, //when a finger moves right on the list.
swipeleft = function(startPosition,endPosition){}, //after swiped left.
swiperight = function(startPosition,endPosition){}, //after swiped right.
pulldown = function(){}, //after dragged on the list top.
pullend = function(){}, //when the list reaches the end.
tap = function(endPosition){}, //after tapped on the list.
your_Initialized_list.refresh() //refresh the list
your_Initialized_list.go() //continue after 'stop'
your_Initialized_list.stop() //stop all functions of the list
your_Initialized_list.goAnimate() //continue after 'stopAnimate'
your_Initialized_list.stopAnimate() //stop all animations of the list
your_Initialized_list.moveTo(positionY) //glid to a position of the list
your_Initialized_list.zero(positionY) //jump to a position of the list
your_Initialized_list.gliding() //return if the list is gliding