
Python wrapper for the arXiv API: http://arxiv.org/help/api/index

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python wrapper for the arXiv API: http://arxiv.org/help/api/index

About arXiv

arXiv is a project by the Cornell University Library that provides open access to 1,000,000+ articles in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, and Statistics.

They have an API that uses ATOM feeds to serve simple database queries. Unfortunately, handling these ATOM requsts can be clumsy (especially given inconsistency in data between different result objects, even in the same query). This is where arxiv.py comes it: it constructs requests for arXiv and gets ATOM feeds via a simple handful of methods, and parses the results into an intuitive format.

Cool demos hopefully coming soon!


To get the arxiv package, simply run pip install arxiv at the command line.

At the beginning of your Python script, include the line import arxiv.


arxiv.query(s, prune=True, start=0, max_results=10)

Sends arXiv a simple query, and returns a list of results, each of which is a dict representing an article that matches the query. The articles are ordered for relevance by arXiv.

  • When bool prune is True (default), a number of artifacts of the ATOM-to-dict conversion are removed from each result to isolate the useful fields. When prune is False, prune_query_result is not called and those key/value pairs are not removed.
  • Integer start identifies a 0-indexed position where the query results begin. For example, query('term', start=4) will only request and return results indexed 4-14.
  • Integer max_results identifies the number of results to be returned (thus, query will return results at positions start through start + max_results). There are some upper limits involved; if you want to pull >60,000 results at a time you should look at the arXiv API documentation.

Clean query results


Takes a query result dict representing an article and modifies some keys and values to be more user-readable. See code for specifics.


Takes a query result dict representing an article and removes some keys that are redundant or useless. See code for specifics.

Download PDF


Looks up keys pdf_url and title on dict obj. Downloads the PDF from pdf_url and saves it to {title}.pdf in the present working directory.