
Shortcuts for common command sequences in Git.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Git shortcuts for common tasks.


$ npm install --global belly


There are a few things in Git that I do a lot. Some things I need in regular intervals but I always have to look up the commands. So I created this CLI tool to simplify the Git tasks I need the most.

Why Not Use Git Aliases?

Sure, I could have used Git aliases but I wanted to have something that I can install with npm and I didn't want to be confined to Git aliases. This way I can add some nice visual feedback on the console.

OK, So What Does It Do?

I thought you'd never ask!

belly c [<commit message>]

Stage everything, commit everything and push to origin.

I do this a lot. I commit early and often in my feature branches and always push it to the server. That is what belly c does.

Type belly c and belly will stage everything, commit it with the commit message belly auto-commit and push it to origin.

You can specify a commit message by adding it right after the c.

Sometimes it's fine to just commit with a generic commit message. Especially if it is minor work, you're the only person working on the project or if you'll squash all commits in the end anyway.

belly s [<branch-name>]

Switch to the last branch or to an existing branch or create a new branch.

When we navigate between branches we typically either want to switch to an existing branch or create a new one and switch to that one.

Why do we need multiple commands for that?

belly s does it all. If you don't specify a branch name it just switches to the last branch you were on. If you specify a branch name of an existing branch like: belly s branch-name, it will switch to that. If the branch doesn't exist it will create it and switch to it.

belly t <version.number> [-d]

Tag the current commit with a version number and push tags to the server.

In order to annotated-tag the current commit with a version number and push the tag to the server use belly t <version-number>. You can delete a tag locally and remotely in one go by adding -d at the end.

belly n <new-branch-name>

Rename your local and your remote branch in one go.

belly n <new-branch-name> will rename your local branch with -m <new-branch-name>, then delete your remote branch with push :<current-branch-name> and push the new branch to the server with push -u <new-branch-name>.

belly q <commit-message>

Fetch origin master, rebase the current branch on to origin/master and if it doesn't fail, squash the branch.

If your team wants to keep a clean Git history you will most likely have to rebase your branch on a regular basis and squash your commits into one commit per feature.

belly q is here to help! The command will rebase your current branch on to master just to make sure you rebased (you have to make sure your master is up-to-date). Then it will do a reset --soft back to master and then commit all your changes with the commit message you specified after q.

belly p

If you work with rebasing and squashing in feature branches a lot, you have to force-push a lot. Instead of using push --force it is recommended to use push --force-with-lease. belly p gives you a nice shortcut for doing a --force-with-lease push. Make sure you understand the ways how --force-with-lease can fail you though.


$ [belly | b] --help

    $ belly [c | s | t | n | q]

    --help       Display this message
    --del or -d  Use this flag in combination with the t command to delete a tag locally and remotely

    Commit all staged and unstaged changes with a generic
    commit message and push the commit to origin
    $ belly c

    Commit all staged and unstaged changes with a custom
    commit message and push the commit to origin
    $ belly c Made some awesome changes

    Switch to last branch or switch to/create a branch with a specific name
    $ belly s [some-branch]

    Tag and annotate the current commit with a version number
    and push the tag to origin
    $ belly t 1.4.2

    Delete a tag locally and on the server
    $ belly t 1.4.2 -d

    Rename the current branch locally and on origin
    $ belly n some-branch

    Squash all commits since master
    $ belly q Made some awesome changes

    Force push with `--force-with-lease`
    $ belly p

Why "belly"?

When looking for a name I started with git-shortcuts which was to long so I shortened it to g-cuts. Still too long. guts was cool but a little gross so guts became belly.


MIT © Kahlil Lechelt