
Connected Windows Mobile Phones with PC in Bluetooth. We can present, browse, mark, add new pages and other features

Primary LanguageC#

#基于移动设备的PPT 演示标注软件# #PPT Presentation Annotation Software In Windows Mobile Phones


**Developers: **




#####简介 #####About

通过蓝牙连接PC和windows mobile手机,实现手机上控制PPT演示、浏览、标记、增加页等功能。 获得中科杯软件大赛三等奖。 Connected Windows Mobile Phones with PC in Bluetooth. We can present, browse, mark, add new pages and other features. Awared 3rd in the first Chinese Sciences Cup 2009.

#####报道: #####Report:

#####http://www.programmer.com.cn/1103/ #####http://www.is.cas.cn/tpxw/201204/t20120423_3562067.html