
A basic Java monitoring application with prometheus endpoint to expose counter endpoint which increments count whenever accessed.


You need to have a p12 file containing cert for your domain, and when running the container, you need to expose these env vars:

  • KEYSTORE: path containing your p12 file inside the container
  • KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: Password for you p12 file


You can edit the script docker-build-run.sh, and set the PATH_TO_P12 env var as the local folder containing your kstore.p12 file.


The Kubernetes deployment & related files are in deploy/ folder. You can see the image from Dockerhub and update to the latest one if required.

There is also an Ingress which exposes this Service and uses Ingress Nginx Controller with class defined as nginx-mtls, the domain being used is kahootali.com, you can change to your domain.

You will also have to create the secret containing your p12 file, you can create by running

kubectl create secret generic store --from-file=kstore.p12