Its a simple counter app which logs and increments the count from a file. Repository includes Dockerfile and respective kubernetes manifest
- AcademiaUbuntu-DevOps
- achede22Venezuela
- ahmedwaleedmalik@Kubermatic
- AtadzhanBelgrad, Serbia
- bartoszpop
- bochuxt
- chr1sh0
- claudioaltamuraClaudio Altamura
- emanuelef
- frost52
- Hager-Aboshady
- hamza3202@Instabee
- jjlakisGdansk
- KarateJB
- kpsrikanth
- krianita19
- liuxingyulee
- mingderwangTaipei, Taiwan
- monbrudevmbrdev.myown.com
- oneEyedSundayCoCUS PT
- rafaelcmotta@gupy-io
- robertoporfiroIEUIntellectEU
- rpivoNew York City, NY
- SandeepJujareEpamEpam Systems
- saran2250
- sasho4ek07
- satskrishnanInfosys
- SebastianoFLondon
- SerenaFengZTE Corporation
- shoyu666zhejiang ,china
- tringuyen-ywYoppworks