Coffee Delivery

The project is very simple and served to consolidate knowledge about ContextAPI and useReducer. It was done as a chalenge from the Rocketseat ReactJS course.

The project will use:

  • Typescript
  • React Hooks
  • Phosphor Icons
  • Styled Components
  • React Hook Form


In this challenge, an application was developed to manage a shopping cart for a coffee shop, which contains the following features:

  • List of coffees available for purchase
  • Add items to cart
  • Increase or remove the amount of items in the cart
  • Form for the user to fill in his address
  • Display the total items in the cart in the Header
  • Display the total value of the sum of items in the cart multiplied by the value

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository
  2. Install dependecies
  npm install
  cd coffee-delivery
  npm run dev


Coffee Delivery - Home


Feel free to contribute to this project :)