"The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it."
-- Dennis Ritchie
This repo contains the Rick and Morty in React exercise. Use this as a template.
We will create a React app to render characters from the Rick and Morty API. You will be able to save characters as favorites, see detailed information on a separate page and you can get random characters.
See a scribble for a simple overview:
See final example app here
- git & GitHub workflow
- using issues and a board to organize tasks
- learn to build a multipage react application
- how to break down a big problem in solvable smaller problems
- coding, coding, coding
- react with useState & useEffect hooks
- styled-components
- react-router
- ES6 Features
- fetching data from an external API
- storing data in localStorage
- logic
"Wubba lubba dub dub"
-- Rick Sanchez