This project is a simple fractal tree generator that creates aesthetically pleasing tree-like structures using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. The tree is generated based on specified parameters and randomization functions. Here's an overview of how it works:
The script waits for the DOM content to load before starting. It initializes the fractal tree by passing in parameters like maxDepth and branchiness.
The initializeFractalTree function sets up the default configurations for the tree. It then generates a random tree structure using the tree function. The tree function recursively draws the branches of the tree based on the specified parameters. Branch angles, lengths, and spread are determined by randomization functions.
A canvas element is created with specific dimensions. Any existing content in the container is cleared, and the canvas is appended to the container. The canvas is cleared before drawing the tree.
The tree is centered on the canvas. Branches are drawn with varying angles and lengths based on the configuration. Branch color and thickness are adjusted based on the depth of the branch. Terminal nodes are represented by circles with random colors. Feel free to customize the parameters like maxDepth, branchiness, and other configuration values to create different variations of fractal trees.
Observable D3 Examples