
Welcome to the Enhanced Typography Playground! This interactive web tool allows you to customize and preview various typography styles for your text, including font, size, weight, style, color, animation, and more. You can also add custom JavaScript to enhance the interactivity of your text.

Primary LanguageHTML


Enhanced Typography Playground

Welcome to the Enhanced Typography Playground! This interactive web tool allows you to customize and preview various typography styles for your text, including font, size, weight, style, color, animation, and more. You can also add custom JavaScript to enhance the interactivity of your text.


  • Live Preview: Instantly see how your text looks as you adjust its properties.
  • Animation Presets: Choose from various animation presets to bring your text to life.
  • Box Shadow: Add a box shadow to give depth to your text.
  • Underline Option: Toggle text underline for added emphasis.
  • Text Alignment: Align your text to the left, center, or right.
  • Hyperlink Option: Include hyperlinks in your text.


  1. Open the HTML file in a web browser.
  2. Use the controls to customize the typography properties.
  3. Explore the live preview to see the changes in real-time.
  4. Optionally, add custom JavaScript for dynamic effects.

Custom JavaScript

The repository includes a feature that allows you to inject custom JavaScript into the preview. This can be useful for adding dynamic behaviors to your text. Use the "Add JavaScript" button in the preview section to enter your custom JavaScript code.

Note: Be cautious when using custom JavaScript, as it can have security implications.

How to Contribute

Feel free to fork, clone, or contribute to this project. Your suggestions and contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have an enhancement in mind, open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Happy coding!