

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Liri is a Language Interpretation interface.


Liri is a command line node app that take in parameters and returns data to the user. Liri is similar to IPhone's Siri; however, Siri using Speech Interpreation and sound whereas Liri is a Language Interpreation of user input to data.


Commands that are used in the Liri Bot App in Node JS are the following:


Github - files/repository
Visual Studio Code(VSC) - code/file editor
NPM Packages

  • Axios
  • Node-Spotify-API
  • Moment
  • DotEnv

API's Used

  • Spotify API
  • OMDB
  • Bands in Town

What the Commands Will Do

Liri will use OMDB to search movies, Spotify to search for songs, and Bands in Town to look for concerts

  1. concert-this '<artist/band name here>'
  • Searches for concert of Artist/Band searched
    • Lists Venue name
    • Lists loaction and date of event using MM/DD/YYYY formatting
  1. spotify-this-song '<song name here>'
  • Displays information about the song
    • Artist(s)
    • Song Title
    • Title of album
    • A link to the song searched
  • If not song is written to search, node will default to "The Sign" by Ace of Base
  1. movie-this '<movie name here>'
  • Search movie and returns listed information:
    • Title
    • Year moive was released
    • IMDB Rating
    • Rotten Tomatoes Rating
    • Country where the movie was produced
    • Language(s)
    • Plot of the moive
    • Actors in the movie
  • If no movie is searched, node will default to "Mr. Nobody" with a link to the movie, informing user it is on Netflix
  1. do-what-it-says
  • Runs spotify-this-song for "I want it that way"

Demonstration Video

Link to Youtube video


Kaiden Munsey
Github Profile