
All Genshin Impact textures extracted from game

GenshinTextures (also see : GenshinCutscenes, GenshinAudio)

All Genshin Impact textures extracted from game such as map and characters textures, items icons, ui and other stuff.

Have fun with it :)

If you have any questions or suggestions : Discord Banner 2 or create a discussion

How to download

You can :

  • Browse the files and download the ones you need individually
  • Download the entire repo as a zip file (~12Gb)
  • Clone the repo with git clone https://github.com/Escartem/GenshinTextures including .git folder (~24Gb)

A few details

  • There is around 95% of all game textures
  • They were all sorted as there is around 30,000 files, see bellow for some reference
Interesting files location
  • Characters textures
/Texture2D/Avatar/[Character type]/[Weapon type]/[Character name]/Tex/

(if texture is missing some parts remove alpha channel from file)

  • NPC textures
/Texture2D/NPC/[NPC type or region]/ 
  • Map

For models and terrain textures


Md → Mondstadt

Ly → Liyue

Inazuma and Sumeru are probably following the same logic

For base map texture and tint


For fog

  • Characters cards
  • Chat stickers
  • Events tutorials and others textures
/Texture2D/UI/Activity/[Event name]/

Some textures are also in folders starting with Activty

  • If you want to have nightmares with cursed characters


I do not own any of the files as they come from Genshin, but if you are using them it would be appreciated to credit this repo and add a link to help it become more popular and help people know it exists, thx <3