Street fighter in ruby + gosu.
In order to start the game you need following libraries to be installed system-wide:
$ brew install sdl2 libogg libvorbis
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libsdl2-dev \
libsdl2-ttf-dev libpango1.0-dev \
libgl1-mesa-dev libfreeimage-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev
git clone
cd ruby-fighter
If you get bundle: command not found
, run sudo gem install bundler
Player 1
- left - a
- right - d
- block - q
- punch - e
- kick - r
Player 2
- left - k
- right - ;
- block - i
- punch - p
- kick - [
All assets in this repository are properties of Capcom and copyrighted to Capcom : Street Fighter® ©CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
All code in this repository is released under the terms of the MIT license.
Copyright (C) 2015 Nikolay Nemshilov.