Oops, broke the short URL expansion code :/
kaihendry opened this issue · 4 comments
kaihendry commented
./fetch-tweets.sh webconverger
grep bit.ly webconverger.txt
JamieKitson commented
Could it be your comment?
if echo $shortDomains | grep -q $domain # TODO might match greedily, e.g. with t.co
kaihendry commented
certainly not. We need to step through this sucker.
JamieKitson commented
Can you give me an example of a status where it's not working? There are instances where having "bit.ly" in your status doesn't mean that the linking is not working. eg:
The bit.ly address in that status is not a link, so it will not be in the url section of the xml and so greptweet will not catch it.
JamieKitson commented
Whereas this one does work for me because it's a link: