- 0
- 1
NoScript Issues
#56 opened by JamieKitson - 2
#55 opened by kaihendry - 1
Search amongst all users
#8 opened by kaihendry - 0
When updating tweets.txt.gz are unavailable
#54 opened by kaihendry - 0
Redirect to lowercase
#53 opened by kaihendry - 1
Noticed my manifest did not update
#52 opened by kaihendry - 3
Re-use of 'closed' twitter users results in corruption of their original log.
#51 opened by kaihendry - 3
Search favourites
#5 opened by kaihendry - 0
Tarball download alongside rsync
#36 opened by kaihendry - 5
#49 opened - 0
- 0
Make search work without Javascript enabled?
#48 opened by kaihendry - 0
Put tweets into a git repo of its own
#47 opened by kaihendry - 0
Avoid 504 Gateway Time-out
#44 opened by kaihendry - 0
Compress txt file to save space
#45 opened by kaihendry - 2
Show results after fetching
#29 opened by kaihendry - 3 not able to add new users
#43 opened by softminus - 3
Remove autocomplete=off from the home page
#42 opened by JamieKitson - 2
Linkify urls on grep page
#38 opened by JamieKitson - 3
- 3
Getting missing tweets
#40 opened by kaihendry - 0
- 3
Missing tweets?
#35 opened by wolfgang42 - 1
- 1
Stars seem to truncate tweets
#37 opened by JamieKitson - 1
URLs not expanded in @messages
#30 opened by kaihendry - 2
Wrapping on an Iphone5 SUCKS
#34 opened by kaihendry - 0
RTs are cut short
#31 opened by kaihendry - 2
Add delete button
#25 opened by JamieKitson - 3
Some URLs not in XML
#16 opened by JamieKitson - 3
Update to authenticated API :(
#27 opened by kaihendry - 0
Too much debug info
#28 opened by kaihendry - 1
- 1
Show date on grep results
#26 opened by JamieKitson - 2
Re-implement in Javascript
#22 opened by kaihendry - 2
Retweet user not being pulled through
#24 opened by JamieKitson - 9
Picture URLs don't get expanded
#15 opened by JamieKitson - 12
- 6
Retweet URLs don't get expanded
#14 opened by JamieKitson - 6
RTs are cut short
#17 opened by aishihab - 1
- 0
Random JSON-P error
#19 opened by kaihendry - 0
Retrieval with previously fetched deleted messages causes Greptweet to become consfused
#18 opened by kaihendry - 1
Create API to trigger update
#7 opened by kaihendry - 0
- 4
Oops, broke the short URL expansion code :/
#13 opened by kaihendry - 3
- 2
Asterisks in tweet cause issue?
#10 opened by JamieKitson - 0
Update to twitter bootstrap 2.0.3
#6 opened by kaihendry