
A repository for 100 challenges for various tech stacks.

MIT LicenseMIT

Challenges are a great way to implement the skills learned via various platfomrs. This repos is focussed on creating an extensive set of challenges on vaourois technologies by the community for the community.

Each Challenge will be part of a technology and community can participate in two ways :

 1 -  Creating Challenges
 2 -  Submitting solutions 

Creating Challenges

  • Consider the above example for creating a challange. Person who submits the challange have to submit the solution as well.
  • A Challenge will be part of a technology which will be a directory in the repo. In above case Kubernetes in the technology so any challanges relates to Kubernetes should go under Kubernetes.
  • in above scenario C repreents challenge and S represents Solution and "(b)" represents difficulty level which is beginner in this case. Other levels include -> Intermediate - "(I)" and Expert - "(E)"

Challenge format

To Keep things simple content inside the challenges can be in the form of a scenario with expectation. Like in above case it is a simple challenge to create a k3s cluster on raspberrypi. So you can have below portions in Challenge :

Challenge:  --------------
Expection: --------------
Architecture Diagram: if necessary
Other Details: if necessary

Submitting Solutions

Apart from the "Challenge + solution" submitted by the person, there is an opportunity for the community to create their version of solution and submit the PR. This can happen inside the solutions folder where you will create a directory with your name and then post the solution with same filename which in example above is "S_create_k3s_cluster_on_raspberrypi_solution". This way you can solve all challenges of a particular technology and have the solutions under you name.


  • To keep things Simple, Solutions can be mentioning a link to video, blog, git repo or just everything inside the solutions file.
  • Always create an Issue before submitting a PR