
Project Cytnx, A Cross-section of Python & C++,Tensor network library

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge

alt text


See The following user guide for install and using of cytnx:


Intro slide

Cytnx_v0.5.pdf (dated 07/25/2020)



Implementation of new data structure for symmetric UniTensor, which different from previous version

Current dev Version:



1. [New] Add additional argument share_mem for Tensor.numpy() python API. 
2. [Fix] UniTensor.at() python API not properly wrapped.
3. [Fix] Bug in testing for BlockUniTensor.
4. [Fix] Bug in UniTensor print info (duplicate name, is_diag=true BlockUniTensor dimension display)
5. [Change] Svd now using gesdd instead of gesvd. 
6. [New] Add linalg.Gesvd function, along with Gesvd_truncate. 
7. [Fix] Strict casting rule cause compiling fail when compile with icpc
8. [New] Add additional argument for Network.PutUniTensor to match the label.
9. [Fix] Network TOUT string lbl bug  
10. [Fix] #156 storage python wrapper cause not return.
11. [Add] linalg.Gemm/Gemm_()
12. [Add] UniTensor.normalize()/normalize_() 


1. [New] New Network file format (removing the rowrank requirement
2. [New] label can now be string, instead of integer. 
3. [New] UniTensor with symmetry are now faster. 

API Documentation:


User Guide [under construction!]:

Cytnx User Guide


* Storage   [binded]
* Tensor    [binded]
* Accessor  [c++ only]
* Bond      [binded] 
* Symmetry  [binded] 
* CyTensor [binded] 
* Network   [binded] 


Python x C++

Benefit from both side. 
One can do simple prototype on python side 
and easy transfer to C++ with small effort!
    // c++ version:
    #include "cytnx.hpp"
    cytnx::Tensor A({3,4,5},cytnx::Type.Double,cytnx::Device.cpu)
    # python version:
    import cytnx
    A =  cytnx.Tensor((3,4,5),dtype=cytnx.Type.Double,device=cytnx.Device.cpu)

1. All the Storage and Tensor can now have mulitple type support.

    The avaliable types are :

    | cytnx type       | c++ type             | Type object
    | cytnx_double     | double               | Type.Double
    | cytnx_float      | float                | Type.Float
    | cytnx_uint64     | uint64_t             | Type.Uint64
    | cytnx_uint32     | uint32_t             | Type.Uint32
    | cytnx_uint16     | uint16_t             | Type.Uint16
    | cytnx_int64      | int64_t              | Type.Int64
    | cytnx_int32      | int32_t              | Type.Int32
    | cytnx_int16      | int16_t              | Type.Int16
    | cytnx_complex128 | std::complex<double> | Type.ComplexDouble
    | cytnx_complex64  | std::complex<float>  | Type.ComplexFloat
    | cytnx_bool       | bool                 | Type.Bool

2. Storage

    * Memory container with GPU/CPU support. 
      maintain type conversions (type casting btwn Storages) 
      and moving btwn devices.
    * Generic type object, the behavior is very similar to python.
            Storage A(400,Type.Double);
            for(int i=0;i<400;i++)
                A.at<double>(i) = i;

            Storage B = A; // A and B share same memory, this is similar as python 
            Storage C = A.to(Device.cuda+0); 

3. Tensor

    * A tensor, API very similar to numpy and pytorch.
    * simple moving btwn CPU and GPU:
            Tensor A({3,4},Type.Double,Device.cpu); // create tensor on CPU (default)
            Tensor B({3,4},Type.Double,Device.cuda+0); // create tensor on GPU with gpu-id=0

            Tensor C = B; // C and B share same memory.

            // move A to gpu
            Tensor D = A.to(Device.cuda+0);

            // inplace move A to gpu
    * Type conversion in between avaliable:
            Tensor A({3,4},Type.Double);
            Tensor B = A.astype(Type.Uint64); // cast double to uint64_t
    * vitual swap and permute. All the permute and swap will not change the underlying memory
    * Use Contiguous() when needed to actual moving the memory layout.
            Tensor A({3,4,5,2},Type.Double);
            A.permute_(0,3,1,2); // this will not change the memory, only the shape info is changed.
            cout << A.is_contiguous() << endl; // this will be false!

            A.contiguous_(); // call Configuous() to actually move the memory.
            cout << A.is_contiguous() << endl; // this will be true!
    * access single element using .at
            Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
            double val = A.at<double>(0,2,2);
    * access elements with python slices similarity:
            typedef Accessor ac;
            Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
            Tensor out = A(0,":","1:4"); 
            // equivalent to python: out = A[0,:,1:4]

4. UniTensor

    * extension of Tensor, specifically design for Tensor network simulation. 

    * See Intro slide for more details
            Tensor A({3,4,5},Type.Double);
            UniTensor tA = UniTensor(A,2); // convert directly.

            UniTensor tB = UniTensor({Bond(3),Bond(4),Bond(5)},{},2); // init from scratch. 


See example/ folder or documentation for how to use API
See example/iTEBD folder for implementation on iTEBD algo.
See example/DMRG folder for implementation on DMRG algo.
See example/iDMRG folder for implementation on iDMRG algo.
See example/HOTRG folder for implementation on HOTRG algo for classical system.
See example/ED folder for implementation using LinOp & Lanczos. 

Avaliable linear-algebra function (Keep updating):

  func        |   inplace | CPU | GPU  | callby tn   | Tn | CyTn (xlinalg)
  Add         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
  Sub         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
  Mul         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
  Div         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
  Cpr         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   x
  +,+=[tn]    |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y (Add_) | Y  |   Y
  -,-=[tn]    |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y (Sub_) | Y  |   Y
  *,*=[tn]    |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y (Mul_) | Y  |   Y
  /,/=[tn]    |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y (Div_) | Y  |   Y
  ==[tn]      |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y (Cpr_) | Y  |   x 
  Svd         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
 *Svd_truncate|   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   Y
  InvM        |   InvM_   |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
  Inv         |   Inv _   |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
  Conj        |   Conj_   |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
  Exp         |   Exp_    |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
  Expf        |   Expf_   |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
  Eigh        |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
 *ExpH        |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   Y
 *ExpM        |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   Y
  Matmul      |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N
  Diag        |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N
*Tensordot    |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N
 Outer        |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N 
 Vectordot    |   x       |  Y  | .Y   |    N        | Y  |   N 
  Tridiag     |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   N
 Kron         |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   N
 Norm         |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   N
*Dot          |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N 
 Eig          |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   N 
 Pow          |   Pow_    |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y 
 Abs          |   Abs_    |  Y  |  N   |    Y        | Y  |   N 
 Qr           |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   Y 
 Qdr          |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   Y 
 Det          |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    N        | Y  |   N
 Min          |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    Y        | Y  |   N 
 Max          |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    Y        | Y  |   N 
*Trace        |   x       |  Y  |  N   |    Y        | Y  |   Y
 Mod          |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    Y        | Y  |   Y 
Matmul_dg     |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N 
*Tensordot_dg |   x       |  Y  |  Y   |    N        | Y  |   N

iterative solver:

* this is a high level linalg 

^ this is temporary disable

. this is floating point type only

Container Generators

Tensor: zeros(), ones(), arange(), identity(), eye()

Physics category

Tensor: pauli(), spin()


  func        | Tn  | Stor | CPU | GPU  
*Make_normal() |  Y  |  Y   | Y   |  Y
*Make_uniform() |  Y  |  Y   | Y   |  N
^normal()      |  Y  |  x   | Y   |  Y
^uniform()      |  Y  |  x   | Y   |  N

* this is initializer
^ this is generator

[Note] The difference of initializer and generator is that initializer is used to initialize the Tensor, and generator generates a new Tensor.

Developers & Maintainers

[Creator and Project manager]
Kai-Hsin Wu (Boston Univ.) kaihsinwu@gmail.com 

Chang Teng Lin (NTU, Taiwan): major maintainer and developer
Ke Hsu (NTU, Taiwan): major maintainer and developer 
Hao Ti (NTU, Taiwan): documentation and linalg 
Ying-Jer Kao (NTU, Taiwan): setuptool, cmake


Yen-Hsin Wu (NTU, Taiwan)
Po-Kwan Wu (OSU)   
Wen-Han Kao (UMN, USA)
Yu-Hsueh Chen (NTU, Taiwan)
PoChung Chen  (NCHU, Taiwan)


* example/DMRG:

* hptt library: