
A hijri to gregorian date converter (and vice versa) written in rust and gtk4!

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



This is an app i developed for my dad as he need a quick and easy (offline) way of converting dates between gregorian and hijri.


  • Convert from hijri to gregorian year (and vice versa)
  • Convert from gregorian to hijri year array (so multiple years aka from XXX to YYY, also vice versa)
  • Convert between full dates (from dd/MM/yyyy to dd/MM/yyyy, also also vice versa)
  • Copies result to clipboard!
  • Pretty much it :D

Compiling to windows

  • use the gtk4-cross

Special Thanks

To dad! as he inspired this whole journey and this is what really started my obsession with programming.