
My Vim configurations to share with the world.

Primary LanguagePerlArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0

My vimrc to share with the world!

.vim/ftplugin/scanCMacro.pl: scans and parses a C/C++ source

with its included files for macro blocks it contains.

  • Together with c.vim, the :MacroHighlight will disable syntax highlighting for inactive macro blocks.

For example, in foo.h:

#define HOO 0
// ...

in foo.c:

#include "foo.h"

void foo(void){
#if HOO == 0

Then when :MacroHighlight is executed in foo.c, then line 6-8 will not be highlighted.

  • Requisite: Perl library: File::Slurp, Try::Tiny.