The sliding-window kernel recursive least squares (SW-KRLS) is a model proposed by Van Vaerenbergh et al. [1].
SW-KRLS is the SW-KRLS model.
GridSearch_AllDatasets is the file to perform a grid search for all datasets and store the best hyper-parameters.
Runtime_AllDatasets perform 30 simulations for each dataset and compute the mean runtime and the standard deviation.
MackeyGlass is the script to prepare the Mackey-Glass time series, perform simulations, compute the results and plot the graphics.
Nonlinear is the script to prepare the nonlinear dynamic system identification time series, perform simulations, compute the results and plot the graphics.
LorenzAttractor is the script to prepare the Lorenz Attractor time series, perform simulations, compute the results and plot the graphics.
[1] S. Van Vaerenbergh, J. Via, I. Santamar ́ıa, A sliding-window kernel rls algorithm and its application to nonlinear channel identification, in: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing Proceedings, Vol. 5, IEEE, 2006, pp. V–V. doi: