- land sound spam when standing on item on descending platform
- player can get moving platform stuck inside them
- set xforce to 0 when on ground? (prevent skidding after jumping off sideways moving platform)
- should player be able to push solid items?
- make most holdables (jars) thinner than 1 tile so they can fit in gaps
- drop item on enemy shouldn't defeat it
- enemies get stuck walking against items- turn around? or push? or ignore? (cant because then they couldnt carry items)
- enemies standing on top of items is weird
- enemy drop off corner- is this the wrong drop check issue?
- don't animate enemy if turnaround on both sides
- give a little up vel when exiting teleport jar? (need to move player rb assignment from start to awake)
- fix check for free area when throwing/dropping
- push out of collision if possible?
- thrown solids will slide along nonsolid items- should all items just be solid?
- thrown item landing on head is weird
- gets stuck in midair
- make sure soul gateway spawns fully out of terrain
- player damage when hitting side/bottom
- hurt trigger box (bigger than hold box)
- no damage when holding! what about falling?
- place down: face away from you so you don't take damage?
- bugs- worm, grasshopper
- some can't be picked up (spiky back)
- defeat enemy that hurt you to guaranteed drop a heart
- some can use items (even on player)
- player damage when hitting side/bottom
- collectible heart fragments to increase health
- heal with hearts
- checkpoints
- activate somehow?
- if you're inside door or movable solid item after reset/recall, it squishes you and you respawn
- squishzone inside player
- make sure this doesn't apply to moving 1 way platforms
- magic wand
- magic particles when thrown
- animate/deanimate fruits and veggies
- collide with Animatable: switch it with its stored prefab
- other weird uses
- E or Z to use? or up? or just throw?
- keys & locked doors
- backpack
- stand on & press down while holding- put item in backpack
- can hold multiple items at once
- extract by stand on & press down? or up? or use while holding?
- enter urn while its partner is in the backpack- paradox if backpack held, enter backpack zone if not
- theres a goblin npc inside who sorts all the items
- ladders
- torches- melt ice above you, light in darkness
- throw and slide along ice puzzle
- parachute- slow fall to cross gaps
- throw across gap puzzle
- glide back to wall for multiple walljumps
- frog with sticky tongue- grapple on ceiling
- activated by jump key? or up/down? or on timer?
- bridge that lets you go through blocks
- magic wand
one way terrain
decoration objects
- grass
- clover
- flowers
- snails
- worms
- grasshoppers
- butterflies
background art
collectible petals
- emit particles
- animate up/down
- collect animation
down + jump to fall through one ways?
up key: look up?
scene transition fx
screen scroll
palettes are unlockable items
- silhouette palette like playerfall
- gameboy green palette
- make sure they're pixel aligned
- teleport
- recall/reset crystal smash
screen shake
disable walljump? maybe an item enables this?
- pause
- fix dream world
title screen
- logo
credits roll listing all the enemies
slippery ice
item spawn rule manipulation
npcs with dialog (mintty)
- can pick them up and they go "hey put me down!"
- trade them items
throw object in midair pushes you back?- sorta double jump
- everything serves at least two purposes
- progression- petal collection, unlocked zones
- world state change, carried item, knowledge of secrets
- non euclidean room transitions?
- memorable vignettes with mechanics and setting
- difficult/unreachable areas, unsolvable mysteries
- center- veggie garden + love + magic (starting area) (red rose petals)
- ? - ruins + angels + rain + birds (sacrifice game reference) (crumbling/throw blocks, glide wings, rainwater fill puzzles)
- up- ice + sunlight (fruits?, sunlight beam puzzles, animal hybrids)
- right- gears jungle (robots, moving/rotating platforms)
- left- tide pools & cliffs (octopus, crab etc.) + sunset
- way up- saturn palace
- down?- hollow earth cave (bigfoot, faceless birds, atlantis etc.)
- limbo
- big & scrollable, enter with long fall
- some stuff changes as you progress
- secret puzzle to carry out void tear
- set limbo palette override
- enter/leave animation & sound
- limbo music start right away
- dream world
- connection to limbo
- secret lagoon
- slumbering beast
other petal colors: orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white
soul world/soulspace/soulside
- soul tokens- somewhat hard to get (find in special room, buy from NPC)
- when thrown, create gateway to soul world
- enter with up
- test
- little arrow appears overtop door
- enter with up
- when thrown, create gateway to soul world
- soul world music
- silhouette tiles
- flipped horizontally
- can't walk between scenes in soul world (glowy border)
- items replaced with item souls- intangible, can be picked up and moved, controls spawn position/scene in main world
- position permanent even when reloading
- can be placed in main world to spawn item in soul world
- enemies replaced with enemy souls- move and ???
- npcs replaced with npc souls- mess with them somehow
- some decoration objects in main world have soul npcs in soul world
- fluffy dream particles
- soul petals (rare)
- big meta puzzle with dream world
- respawn enter portal when exiting soul world
- wrong warp? (knowledge of world layout, partial warping with x/y)
- soul tokens- somewhat hard to get (find in special room, buy from NPC)
collectible petals
- big flower at center of zone
- fill with min% # shards to progress
- go to soul world and fight corrupted flower soul
- win: destroy thorns barrier to next zone
- fill with 100% shards to unlock bonus area
- each zone has different color petal
- need to carry each petal all the way back? or collect automatically?
- might depend on # of petals
- teleport between filled flowers
- little flowers sprout next to big one
- colored same as completed areas
- pull one out and throw it in the fountain to teleport to the big one of its area
- enemies
- put item on back of enemy to move it
- ride on flying enemy for a long time
- ride enemy across spikes into secret room
- carry enemy and drop in another room to use its behavior
- stand on enemy (in natural location or after moving it) and use its extra jump/throw velocity
- enemy stack
- get around room reset mechanic
- box spawns on button and locks something immediately on room enter; grab it and exit+reenter room to have it not be there
- crystals
- throw reset/recall crystal and quickly grab another item
- put down and regrab recall crystal to change its recall point
- use key from one room on multiple doors in another
- teleport jar
- take teleport vase into its partner and enter limbo world
- teleport across scenes
- rotate jar to come out gravity rotated?
- backpack
- put multiple items in backpack
- take teleport vase into its partner in backpack
- use moving platform jump/throw velocity
- jump between stuff in different screens (respawn, refill moves)
- enemies
- title: ?
- garden: good mood, slam-funk
- funny miniboss: L05 chase
- ice: juhani ending
- ruins: echoes of eternity
- jungle: face the facts, juhani stage 2?
- tide pool: angel eyes, highrise
- soul world: drm
- flower boss fight: ?
- backpack: sketchy shopkeep
- limbo: lost
- make sure all music is preload
- unmute persistent music
- make sure all sprites use paletteswap material
- Music
- "Slam-Funk" composed and arranged by Haley Halcyon: https://opengameart.org/content/nes-chiptune-slam-funk
- "4 Chiptunes (Adventure)" by SubspaceAudio: https://opengameart.org/content/4-chiptunes-adventure
- "5 Chiptunes (Action)" by SubspaceAudio: https://opengameart.org/content/5-chiptunes-action
- "Angel Eyes (Chiptune Edit)" by Kim Lightyear: https://opengameart.org/content/angel-eyes-chiptune-edit
- "Lost in a bad place (horror ambience loop)" by congusbongus: https://opengameart.org/content/lost-in-a-bad-place-horror-ambience-loop
- "The Sketchy Shopkeep" by Cal McEachern: https://opengameart.org/content/chiptune-rpg-soundtrack-6-loops
- "10 Free Chiptune Tracks (A Bag of Chips)" by Zane Little Music: https://opengameart.org/content/10-free-chiptune-tracks-a-bag-of-chips
- "Good Mood Theme (8-bit)" by wyver9: https://opengameart.org/content/good-mood-theme-8-bit
- "8-bit Beat'em Up Soundtrack" by wyver9: https://opengameart.org/content/8-bit-beatem-up-soundtrack
- "Echoes of Eternity" by Trevor Lentz: https://opengameart.org/content/echoes-of-eternity
- "Highrise" by Jan125: https://opengameart.org/content/highrise
- "Dreamlike State" by Tarush Singhal: https://opengameart.org/content/dreamlike-state
- Sound effects
- "Sound effects Mini Pack1.5" by phoenix1291: https://opengameart.org/content/sound-effects-mini-pack15
- "512 Sound Effects (8-bit style)" by SubspaceAudio: https://opengameart.org/content/512-sound-effects-8-bit-style
- Others generated with sfxr: https://sfxr.me/
- Palettes
- "Island Joy 16x" by Kerrie Lake: https://lospec.com/palette-list/island-joy-16
- Others from https://lospec.com/palette-list
- CRT-Free by Brewed Ink: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/crt-free-248066