
An analysis of different ZKP schemes and decentralized identity management system

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Zero Knowledge Proof - based Decentralized Identity Management System

This repository contains the implementation of different ZKP algorithms and codebase of a decentralized identity management system using zero knowledge proofs.

Project Structure

The project consists of 3 main directories that are described below.


This is the implementation of the Groth16 algorithm using Zokrates. It takes a secret input from the user and generates a proof and a verifier contract file.


  • Refer to this documentation add Zokrates in the local environment.
  • Run the following command to execute the Groth16 scheme
python main.py

interactive zkp

This folder contains the implementation of other interactive ZKP schemes. Each file is independently executable.

Setup Use the following command to run any of the schemes

python <filename>.py

zkID -Project

This is the decentralized identity management system that provides a user interface to create a proof for any user attribute. This proof can be used to verify the statement of the user for the specific attribute.


  • The project contains both backend side code and frontend side implementation
  • The backend side code provides with REST APIs to interact with the blockchain network built on Ganache. In the backend code, the entire Groth16 implementation is executed when a new proof is generated and is stored for the user. It also provides the API endpoint to verify the validity of the proof
  • The frontend code provides the interface to interact with the blockchain and create a new proof on the prover side, and generate a new proof on the verifier side


  • Install the dependencies in both frontend and backend by migrating to thwir folders and running the following commands in each of them

    npm install
  • To start the backend, migrate to the backend folder and run the following command

    node server.js
  • To start the frontend, open a new terminal window and migrate to the frontend folder. run the following command.

    npm run dev