Weather Application Challenge

This application was built with ember-cli.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build


  • copy the dist directory to the server
  • serve the directory as an application

Challenge Parameters


  • Well Structured

used ember-cli to enforce

  • Well Documented

opinions may vary

  • Handle Errors Gracefully

a better solution would be to have a globally accessible reporting, but getting the scope to behave proved ugly simply alert and controller only scoped error messaging was used

  • Tested

some tests written to show how, but the coverage is terrible and purely for show. under normal circumstance, a TDD approach would be have been taken. code coverage is ... well it is terrible.

  • Static

EmberJS 101... may the gurus forgive me...

  • Client side JS

jQuery ajax calls to the Open Weather API


  • Data Caching

use of local storage for data store

  • Mobile iOS / Android

Bootstrap check through emulator only

  • Iconography

Added Font Awesome Outright stole the images from Open Weather API Conditions and Icons ... trust me... it's better this way.

  • Themes

Not today Galvatron!

  • Automated Build

Ember CLI Brocolli LESS via Brocolli Lodash via Brocolli

Enhancements / Missing Features

  • DELETE / EDIT functionality for locations
  • Re-poll for current location
  • Better display of errors
  • Look-a-head when entering the name
  • Better testing