
Nerd Fonts' font patcher as a Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfile


The Dockerfile builds an image that enables you to use the Nerd Fonts font patcher right now and without the hassle of installing a bunch of dependencies.


Treat the container like it's a font-patcher executable. For example, to see font-patcher's options, pass -h to it:

docker run kmallea/font-patcher -h

To actually patch a font you'll need to mount it into the container and then tell font-patcher where it is and where to output the patched version.

The following example mounts my current directory into the container at /tmp, and then tells font-patcher to both patch a font and output it to the same directory:

docker run --rm --tty --mount type=bind,src=$PWD,dst=/tmp kmallea/font-patcher --complete --careful --outputdir /tmp /tmp/OperatorMono-Book.otf

NOTE: When using docker run you'll need to allocate the pseudo-TTY using -t or --tty like the example above.

For more information about Nerd Fonts font patcher and how to use it, check out the official documentation.

Building the image

If you'd like to build the image yourself:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run docker build -t font-patcher .