Time Code Tracker
TOL 2: Electric Boogaloo
My Stuff
- Event:
- id
- name
- start
- end
- charge code
- A foreign key to ChargeCode
- Holidays
- Prepopulate “Event” at start of every month
- Pay Period
Event Charge Code User
Note charge codes that contribute to billability:
- B
- F
- T
- M (some)
- Make the above checked by default
Aarons Stuff
Table Labor
- Description
- Charge Number
Table Hours Per Month
- Hours (manually update)
- Start date
- end date
Table Task Authorization
- Allocated hours
- Start date
- end date
- charge number
- A foreign key to table labor
Table Tax Location
- Abbreviation (HAWA)
- State
Table Time Entry
- Charge number
- foreign key to labor
- entry date
- start time
- end time
- tol time (work time)
- telework
- tax location
- foreign key to Tax Location
- notes
- Add time off, holiday, and placeholder
- Mid month for separating pay periods