Explore Task Partitioning in State-Based Generalist-Specialist Learning

This is the final project of UCSD CSE 291A Winter 2023, authored by Kaiming Kuang, Jianyu Wang and Xiu Yuan.


WandB setup

Write a wandb_cfg.yaml file with your WandB configs in the root directory:

key: <your_wandb_key>
entity: <your_account_name>
project: <your_project_name>

Phase I: Generalist training

Train the generalist agent using SAC algorithm on the TurnFaucet task:

python main.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

Find where the generalist training plateaus:

python find_plateau.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

find_plateau.py gives you the weight path where the generalist training plateaus. Now evaluate this weight on 60 different models of TurnFaucet:

python evaluate_gen_phase1.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

The evaluation outputs a eval_gen_phase1_res.json with success rates on each of the 60 faucet models. Now find out which models should be refined and assign specialist:

python random_assign_spe.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

Phase II: Specialist training and demo collection

For example, you can train the first specialist with the following command:

python main.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1 --spe-idx=0

You may spawn multiple specialist training jobs at the same time. Evaluate all specialists after training:

python evaluate_spe_phase2.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

Now collect demos fron the generalist and specialists:

python collect_demos.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

Phase III: Generalist fine-tuning

Train the generalist on the demonstrations collected:

python train_phase3_gen.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1

Evaluate the fine-tuned generalist:

python evaluate_phase3_gen.py --env=TurnFaucet-v2 --seed=1