
Create backup text files of Simplenote notes

Primary LanguagePython

#simplenote-backup.py Save Simplenote notes as text files

This python (2.7) program utilizes simplenote.py to fetch simplenote notes, and stores them as text files. It keeps track of the saved note version (as defined by Simplenote) and will only download/save the note if it has been updated.
This came about from my desire to have a local backup of my Simplenote notes, as I had begun to use it extensively, and the need to learn Python. As such, while I have tried to follow the pep8 style guide, I no doubt have some odd-looking code here.


simplenote-backup.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-d PATH] [-s]
                            [--delete] [--show] [-v] [-q] [-f]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --user USERNAME      Simplenote Username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD  Simplenote Password
  -d PATH, --directory PATH         Where to save notes
  -s, --save                        Save entered options [default=False]
  --delete                          Delete saved options and exit
  --show                            Show saved options and exit
  -v, --verbose                     Verbose output [default=False]
  -q, --quiet                       Suppress all output. Ignored when --show
                                    enabled [default=False]
  -f, --force                       Force note save (ignore last saved version
                                    number) [default=False]

###Semi-important Notes

  • The --save option will store the Simplenote username and password as well as the save path in an sqlite table located at ~/.config/simplenote-backup.db in plain text. Do not save your username/password using the built-in save unless you've comfortable with that.
  • Priority order for username/password are:
    1. Command line argument
    2. Saved argument
    3. Prompted (using raw_input/getpass)
  • Priority order for note directory is:
    1. Command line argument
    2. Saved argument
    3. Current working directory (os.getcwd)