
Primary LanguagePython

How to start

  1. Build the docker container in the folder docker.
  2. Create an home directory. Put this directory under version control.
  3. While the details of the file structure are up to you, I recommend the following setup.
    • rules/__init__.py: This file must exist and export a make_converter function which returns a converter. A converter is a function that takes an Entry and returns a corresponding Booking. Their respective definitions can be seen in the example below.

      Minimal example:

      from rules.data import Booking, BookingLine
      def make_converter():
          def converter(entry):
              # entry.source - source file of the entry
              # entry.account - source account for the entry
              # entry.date - date of the entry
              # entry.text - text of the entry
              # entry.amount - amount of the entry: this is either an integer in the smallest currency unit, a Fraction object, or a Decimal object
              # entry.currency - the currency of the entry
              return Booking(date=entry.date, description=entry.text, lines=[
                  BookingLine(account=entry.account, amount=entry.amount, commodity=entry.currency),
                  BookingLine(account='Unknown', amount=None, commodity=None),
          return converter
    • config.ini: This file must exist and look like this:

      # optional formatting information
      decimal_separator = ,
      alphavantagekey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
      equity.0 = IS_N IS3N.DEX EUR # hleder commodity <space> Alphavantage Key <space> currency of the price
      equity.1 = IBCZ IBCZ.DEX EUR
      equity.2 = VGWL VGWL.DEX EUR
      fx.0 = USD EUR
      fx.1 = CHF EUR
      parser = cash
      account = Aktiva:Bargeld
      parser = easybank_giro
      account = Aktiva:Giro EasyBank
      iban = AT999999999999999999
      parser = easybank_visa
      account = Fremdkapital:VISA EasyBank
      cardno = 999999999999999999
      parser = flatex
      cash = Aktiva:Geldanlagen:Flatex:Kassa
      depot = Aktiva:Geldanlagen:Flatex:Depot
      fees = Aufwendungen:Sonstiges:Bankgebühren
      gains = Erträge:Zinsen und Dividenden
      exchange = Devisen:Flatex
      wkn.A1JX52 = VGWL
      wkn.A111X9 = IS_N
      wkn.A14YPA = IBCZ
      parser = santander
      account = Aktiva:Geldanlagen:Taggeld:Santander BestFlex
      iban = AT99999999999999999

      Each input.* section describes how the documents placed in input/*/ should be processed. The parser key is the Python module that is going to be imported and called to handle the files. All other parameters are passed as-is to these modules.

    • A folder called input. This folder must exist and must be filled with the input documents, e.g., bank statements or CSV files in sub-folders. Each sub-folder can be processed by a singe input module.

    • A folder called output. This folder will be created is the output folder and will copy the structure of the input folder, except that all input documents will be replaced by hledger journals. output/root.journal is a hledger journal that imports all other journal files. Do not edit files in this folder. It will be deleted and re-created on each run!

    • While this is up to you, a main.journal with the following structure is recommended as entry point for hledger: (Hint: Set the environment variable LEDGER_FILE to its path.) The docker_run.sh script automatically sets LEDGER_FILE to /dest/main.journal.

      account Aktiva  ; type:Asset
      account Aktiva:...
      account Fremdkapital  ; type:Liability
      account Fremdkapital:...
      account Eigenkapital  ; type:Equity
      account Eigenkapital:...
      account Erträge  ; type:Revenue
      account Erträge:...
      account Aufwendungen  ; type:Expense
      account Aufwendungen:...
      account Buchungsfehler  ; type:Equity
      account Unbekannt  ; type:Equity
      account Devisen  ; type:Equity
      commodity 1.000,00 EUR  ; €
      commodity 1.000,0 VGWL  ; Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF
      include output/root.journal
      include special.journal  ; Used for special postings that have to be entered manually, e.g., your starting balances
    • Run scripts are provided for your convenience. The scripts are named run_*.sh and build and run the docker container. They must be executed in the project directory, otherwise the volume mounts will not work correctly. They all expect the destination directory (i.e. the directory containing the input data and main.journal) as their first argument e.g. run_main.sh "$HOME/ledger".

      • run_main.sh executes src/main.py and runs the data import.
      • run_bash.sh spawns an interactive bash shell in the container.
      • run_hledger.sh runs the hledger command. Arguments are passed through.
      • run_hledger_web.sh starts an hledger web server.

A typical workflow at the end of the month

  1. Be sure that git status is clean.
  2. Download new bank documents/CSV files and place them in their respective input/* folder. If needed, manually edit files in the input folder, e.g., for cash transactions.
  3. Run main.py.
  4. Use git diff and main.py's output to check if everything new is correct. hledger bal -sB should add up to zero.
  5. If not, edit rules/__init__.py and goto step 3.
  6. git commit and enjoy your new reports.

Note that the Docker container does not contain hledger. I recommend to install it on your host operating system.


I am the only user of this software and - so far - I had no question more than once.