
a template engine for web url

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create url that you want to use with different data.


$ npm install url-templater --save



import the UrlTemplater class, and new a UrlTemplater instance by passing a string parameter, then use resolve method to get the rendered url string.


const UrlTemplater = require('url-templater')

const url = new UrlTemplater('http://localhost:8080/api/name/:name')
    params: {
        name: 'url-templater'
    query: {
        json: 'true'
// http://localhost:8080/api/name/url-templater?json=true

resolve method receive a object include params and query propertise.

The params property resolve the path parameter( like :name), and the query property resolve the url's search part.

params support string and function,

if param property's value is a function, url-templater will use the funciton return value as the property value.

new UrlTemplater('http://localhost:8080/api/name/:name').resolve({
    params: {
        name: function () {
            return 'a'
// http://localhost:8080/api/name/a

query support several typeof properties:

  • string use string as the final value type
  • function use function's return value as property value
  • Array url-templater will resolve array as multiple value, the key will be transform to a formatted key like key[index]
  • object when query's property is a object, it will combined current key with previous key like prevKey.currKey


new UrlTemplater('http://localhost:8080/api/query').resolve({
    query: {
        projectInfo: {
            name: 'url-templater',
            teamMember: ['programmer', 'tester'],
            birthday: function () {
                let birthday = new Date(2017, 7, 10)
                return `${birthday.getFullYear()}-${birthday.getMonth() + 1}-${birthday.getDate()}`
            modules: {
                Url: 'parse and format effect',
                UrlTemplater: 'url template class'
// http://localhost:8080/api/query?projectInfo.name=url-templater&projectInfo.teamMember[0]=programmer&projectInfo.teamMember[1]=tester&projectInfo.birthday=2017-8-10&projectInfo.modules.Url=parse and format effect&projectInfo.modules.UrlTemplater=url template class


if you want to use you own habits to replace the default configuration (such as the character that used to combine object's key), you can add a options object parameter in UrlTemplater's constructor.


const templater = new UrlTemplater('http://localhost:8080/api/name/{{name}}/query', {
    // the character combine with object's key
    objCombine: '#',
    // the characters insert before and after array's index key
    arrCombine: ['{', '}'],
    // the regular expression that used to replace url parameters with real value
    paramsRule: /{{(\w+)}}/g
    params: {
        name: 'url-templater'
    query: {
        array: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        modules: {
            Url: 'parse and format effect'
// http://localhost:8080/api/name/url-templater/query?array{0}=a&array{1}=b&array{2}=c&modules#Url=parse and format effect

Run Tests

npm run test