
This is an example of storing and maintaining a relational table's schema and underlying required sql files which might contain Queries, Views, MVs etc

MIT LicenseMIT


This README explains the SQL schema used in this project and provides links to the corresponding SQL files in the project's GitHub repository.


The SQL schema used in this project includes the following tables:

  • users: stores information about the users of the system.
  • orders: stores information about the orders placed by the users.
  • products: stores information about the products available in the system.
  • order_items: stores information about the items included in each order.

SQL Files

The SQL schema is defined in the following files:

Each file contains the SQL code to create the corresponding table, along with any necessary constraints, such as primary keys or foreign keys.


users table

The users table stores information about the users of the system. The table has the following columns:

  • id: unique identifier for each user.
  • name: name of the user.
  • email: email address of the user.
  • password: hashed password for the user's account.

orders table

The orders table stores information about the orders placed by the users. The table has the following columns:

  • id: unique identifier for each order.
  • user_id: foreign key referencing the id column in the users table.
  • order_date: date the order was placed.
  • total_price: total price of the order.

And so on..

We can extend by creating multiple folders such as

├── README.md
└── sql
    ├── materialized_views
    │   └── sample.sql
    ├── queries
    │   └── sample.sql
    ├── tables
    │   └── sample.sql
    └── views
        └── sample.sql

6 directories, 5 files