In this lab, we will deploy the Kubernetes cluster in three different AWS regions, and then setup Federation between clusters. When federation has been created we will create a federated deployment and service for NGINX. And finally, we will create latency-based DNS records in Route 53, one for each cluster region.
We need to deploy Kubernetes cluster in different AWS regions. e.g.:
- US West: Oregon(us-west-2)
- US East: Ohio(us-east-2)
- Asia: Tokyo(ap-northeast-1)
Install the following tools on the host:
- kubectl: Using kubectl, you can inspect cluster resources; create, delete, and update components.
- helm: Using helm to install federation-v2 components by the chart.
- kubefedctl: Helps you to join/unjon clusters from an existing federation control plane.
- kops: Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management.
Federation v2 can be deployed to and manage clusters running Kubernetes
or greater.- aws: The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services.
We will be using Amazon AWS as the IaaS provider:
- IAM: Provide identity and access management.
- EC2: The Kubernetes cluster instances.
- ELB: Kubernetes service load balancer.
- Route53: Public domain for Kubernetes API, Service, ..., etc.
- S3: Store Kops state.
- VPC: Provide cluster network.
Godaddy domain name or register from Route53
For the execution of the labs, you need set your env in .env
$ cp .env.sample .env
$ vim .env
First create a hostedzone using
$ ./
# output like this
"HostedZone": {
"ResourceRecordSetCount": 2,
"CallerReference": "2018-04-19-11:24",
"Config": {
"PrivateZone": false
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z363YQ27EUQU4S",
"Name": ""
"DelegationSet": {
"NameServers": [
"Location": "",
"ChangeInfo": {
"Status": "PENDING",
"SubmittedAt": "2018-04-19T03:24:17.638Z",
"Id": "/change/CTCT89X4F01LM"
$ aws route53 list-hosted-zones
Add NameServers
into Godaddy, like this:
Now follow the scripts to setup your federation cluster.