
Tool to create and rotate EC2 AMIs and associated snapshots

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tool to create and rotate EC2 AMIs and associated snapshots.


  • AWS IAM EC2 Role (only for executions from EC2 instances) or IAM User with the following associated IAM policy:

    Policy Name : EC2-ManageAMIs-<YYYYMMDD>
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "Stmt1430150596000",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
  • Pip tool for Python packages management. Installation:

    $ curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
    $ sudo python get-pip.py
  • AWS CLI for ec2 commands. Installation and configuration:

    $ sudo pip install awscli
    $ aws configure
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: <access_key>		# Leave blank in EC2 instances with associated IAM Role
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <secret_key>	# Leave blank in EC2 instances with associated IAM Role
    Default region name [None]: eu-west-1
    Default output format [None]:
  • Requests module for Python. Installation:

    $ sudo pip install requests


  1. Download the project code in your favourite path:

    $ git clone https://github.com/rubenmromero/ec2-amis.git
  2. If you want to schedule the periodic tool execution, copy the ec2-amis template to the /etc/cron.d directory and replace the existing <tags> with the appropiate values:

    # From the project root folder
    $ sudo cp cron.d/ec2-amis /etc/cron.d
    $ sudo vi /etc/cron.d/ec2-amis

Execution Method

Here you have the message that you will get if you request help to the ec2_ami.py tool:

$ ./ec2_ami.py --help
usage: ec2_ami.py [-h] -n AMI_NAME [-t] [-d AMI_DESCRIPTION] [-i INSTANCE_ID]
                  [-r] [-b BLOCK_DEVICE_LIST_JSON] [-c COPIES_NUMBER]

Tool to create and rotate EC2 AMIs and associated snapshots

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -n AMI_NAME, --name AMI_NAME
                        Name for the AMI to create or rotate
  -t, --time            Add the time to the name format: AMI_NAME-AAAA_MM_DD-
                        HH_MM (default: AMI_NAME-AAAA_MM_DD)
                        Description for the AMI to create (default: AMI_NAME
                        AMI created by ec2_ami.py)
  -i INSTANCE_ID, --instance-id INSTANCE_ID
                        Instance ID from which create the AMI (default: Self
                        Instance ID)
  -r, --reboot          Reboot the instance to create the AMI (default: No
                        JSON format list of one or more block device mappings
                        to include in the AMI (default: Include all block
                        device mappings attached to the instance)
  -c COPIES_NUMBER, --rotation-copies COPIES_NUMBER
                        Number of copies for rotation (default: 10)

  {create,rotate}       Command to be exectuted

Execution Examples

  • Create an AMI with AMI_NAME-AAAA_MM_DD name format from an EC2 instance with "i-12345678" id, executing the ec2_ami.py tool from your own workstation and rebooting the instance to create the AMI:

    $ ./ec2_ami.py --name Foo-Test --instance-id i-12345678 --reboot create
  • Create an AMI with AMI_NAME-AAAA_MM_DD-HH_MM name format from an EC2 instance with "i-87654321" id, executing the ec2_ami.py tool from the own instance:

    $ ./ec2_ami.py --name Bar-Test --time create
  • Rotate the existing AMIs registered with "Foo-Test-AAAA_MM_DD" name pattern keeping the last 7 most recent copies:

    $ ./ec2_ami.py --name Foo-Test --rotation-copies 7 rotate
  • Rotate the existing AMIs registered with "Bar-Test-AAAA_MM_DD-HH_MM" name pattern keeping the last 20 most recent copies:

    $ ./ec2_ami.py --name Bar-Test --time --rotation-copies 20 rotate

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