Weather Dashboard

As a traveler who needs to know the weather for a city of interest, or just a curious user interested in the weather in their own city, this weather app will give you the important details.


The weather dashboard uses the weather API's from to allow various functionality. First, the user can input a city name and click the search button to see the current weather for the city they input.

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After searching, the user will then be greeted with a view of that city's name and the current date. Under the this, the dashboard displays the city's temperature in °F, the humidity percentage, windspeed in MPH, and the UV index. As shown in the photo below, the UV index has a color-gauge. Low UV levels display green, moderate: yellow, mid-high: orange, high: red, and severe: purple.

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A very important feature is that the dashboard stores the weather data even after the user refreshes.

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You can also click the stored cities and be taken back to that city's weather information. The hover animation creates a change from white to gray to indicate the mouseover. The cursor also changes to a fingerclick cursor.

li:hover {
    background-color: lightgray;

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The dashboard is also able to display not only the current weather of a city, but also that city's 5-day forecast. In the forecast, the user can view the dates, a weather icon, and the temperature and humidity for those five days.

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Future Enhancements:

I plan to add in the following features:

  1. Add more CSS to improve the overall UI aesthetic
  2. Prevent usercases for inputting characters other than the text for a city name.
  3. Hide null or empty contents on the starting load up.

Link to the deployed app

Weather Dashboard App

Link to my GitHub Repo

My GitHub Repo