Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia - Engenharia de Computação

Projeto Zeitgeber

Projeto desenvolvido em conjunto com as aulas de Linguagens II, ministradas pelo professor Tiago Sanches (Tiagoeem), que tem como finalidade incentivar a prática dos assuntos expostos em sala, bem como prover ao aluno a oportunidade de prestar consultoria a um cliente no mundo real.


Nome RA GitHub
Felipe Andrade 15.00175-0 Kaisen-san
Matheus Mandotti 16.00177-0 matheusmf1
Vinícius Pereira 16.03343-4 VinPer

For Devs only

Environment Variables and Private/Public Keys

  • Use .env.example as a guide to what needs to be configured in your .env.
  • After generating both JWT private and public keys, using RSA or another algorithm of you choice, you must encode them in base64 before setting up JWT_PRIVATE_KEY and JWT_PUBLIC_KEY entries in .env.
  • In src/frontend/utils/request.js, replace 'REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_reCAPTCHA_site_key' with your reCAPTCHA site key. Click here for more information.

Heroku - PostgreSQL database

When running the solution locally, you may need to get the latest heroku DATABASE_URL variable value, since it gets outdated every now and then. In order to do that, open command line and run the following command:

heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a zeitgeber

Then get the output value and update DATABASE_URL entry inside .env. Also, make sure you have PGSSLMODE=require set in .env to avoid running into 'SSL off' problem.