
A spec-compliant https://jsonfeed.org template for your Jekyll-generated blog.

MIT LicenseMIT

A fully spec-compliant JSON Feed template for your Jekyll-generated blog.

How to Use

Copy the feed.json file to the root of your source folder.


There are 2 ways to configure your JSON feed.

Using config.yml

Add a json_feed key to your config.yml, with all config options under it:

  favicon: favicon.png

Using _data

If you'd rather keep config.yml clean and group all JSON feed settings in a separate file, add this in your config.yml:

  use_jekyll_data: true

Then create a _data/json_feed.yml in your source folder.

Config options

Site-wide config options in your _config.yml or _data/json_feed.yml:

  • user_comment Optional. A description of the purpose of the feed
  • favicon Optional. Relative path of the favicon in the source folder.
  • icon Optional. Relative path of the (larger) icon in the source folder.
  • author Optional. Info about the author. If not included site.author will be used.
    • name Optional. Name of the author.
    • url Optional. Website of the author.
    • avatar Optional. Avatar of the author.
      • local_path Optional. Relative path of the avatar in the source folder.
      • external_url Optional. External avatar URL. Takes precedence over the previous key.
  • expired Optional. Should be set to true if the feed will no longer be updated.
  • use_category_as_tag Optional. Set this to true to use post.category insteads of tags.
  • post_limit Optional. Limit the number of posts per feed. Defaults to 20 if not specified here.
  • hubs A list of hubs used to subscribe to real-time notifications
    • Each hub needs to have these 2 keys:
      • type Required. Type of the hub.
      • url Required. External URL of the hub.

For a full example check out the _data/json_feed.yml file in this repository.

You can further take advantage of JSON feed features by adding these front-matter keys to your posts under a json_feed key:

  • external_url Optional. An external URL if the post is a link post.
  • date_modified Optional. Set this manually if you want your feed to include the date the post was last modified.
  • publish_as_text Optional. Set this to true to publish the post as plain text instead of HTML. If not specified it defaults to false.
  • summary Optional. A summary of the blog post. If not specified, the feed with fall back to post.excerpt, then post.description. If none are present this field is skipped.
  • image Optional. Main image of the post. If not specified, the feed with fall back to post.image, then post.thumbnail. If none are present this field is skipped.
    • local_path Optional. Relative path of the image in the source folder.
    • external_url Optional. External image URL. Takes precedence over the previous key.
  • banner_image Optional. Banner image of the post. If not specified, the feed with fall back to post.banner_image, then post.banner_image. If none are present this field is skipped.
    • local_path Optional. Relative path of the banner image in the source folder.
    • external_url Optional. External banner image URL. Takes precedence over the previous key.
  • author Optional. Info about the post's author. If not included it will be skipped.
    • name Optional. Name of the posts's author.
    • url Optional. Website of the posts's author.
    • avatar Optional. Avatar of the posts's author.
      • local_path Optional. Relative path of the avatar in the source folder.
      • external_url Optional. External avatar URL. Takes precedence over the previous key.
  • attachements Optional. A list of attachements to the post.
    • url Required. The location of the attachment.
    • mime_type Required. The type of the attachment, such as audio/mpeg.
    • title Optional. Name for the attachment
    • size_in_bytes Optional. Size of the attachement file in bytes.
    • duration_in_seconds Optional. How long it takes to listen to or watch, when played at normal speed.

For a full example check out the example_post.md file in this repository, and or more info about these options, refer to the JSONFeed 1.0 spec.


This template is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.