
XMonad config

Primary LanguageHaskell


0. You need at least:
- xmonad (+ xmonad-devel and xmonad-contrib-devel)
- xmobar
- xterm
- emacs (with haskell-mode)

1. Clone the repository https://github.com/kaitanie/xmonad-config.git

2. ln -s ~/xmonad-config ~/.xmonad

3. Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc:
source ~/.xmonad/profile.d/*.sh

If you'd like to use xmonad as a window manager for LXDE:
1. open Preferences -> Desktop Session Settings
2. go to Advanced settings
3. set "Window Manager" to xmonad
4. click "OK"

Basic keybindings:
AltGr + Enter : Open new xterm
AltGr + Shift + c : Close window
AltGr + Space : Cycle through window layouts on the current desktop
AltGr + <number> : Switch to desktop <number>
AltGr + Shift + f : switch to Finnish keyboard layout
AltGr + Shift + u : Switch to UK keyboard layout