
An application for pleasure craft to look up ETA's of larger cargo ships to avoid crossing paths in shipping lanes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚓️ An application for pleasure craft to look up ETA's of larger cargo ships to avoid crossing paths in shipping lanes. ⛵️

Link to Deployed Site:

-View Sound Vessel Traffic Application here at Sound Vessel Traffic

Link to Repo:

🚢 https://github.com/kaitekelly/Sound-Vessel-Traffic

User Story:

🚤 As a small pleasure craft sailor on the Puget Sound, I would like an application to tell me when large cargo and tanker ships are entering and exiting the shipping lanes in and out of port, so that I can avoid them when I’m sailing.


A full stack react application that uses a mysql express routes server to save and delete boating trips and the marine traffic api to look up nearby ships and their routes.


💾 In the command line of the working directory, install the following NPM packages: authO, axios, body-parser, dotenv, express, if-env, mysql, toastify, sequelize, styled-components and all of the React dependencies listed in the technologies section of the contributions.


Enter site and either login or sign up for a new account. Once signed in users can view local maritine activity through the Marine Traffic app map. The map details all maritine traffic in the map area. If a user would like to plan a trip and see a list of ships and boats they may cross paths with, click the plan trip page. On that page, enter the details of your trip including starting point and destination as well as start and end dates. When the submit button is hit, the trip will be saved to the mysql database and the search will return the results of which ships they will encounter on their trip.

Screenshot of application in use:


Contributors: Jesse Audije, Kathryn Teall, and Kaite Kelly

Technology used: React, Node.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, NPM packages: Express, Sequelize, Axios, body-parser, dot-env, if-env, mongoose, mysql, mysql2, toastify React NPM packages: react, react-bootstrap, react-dom, reactstrap, react-async, script-loader, react-calendar-, react-datepicker, react-helmet, react-iframe, react-inline-script, react-script-tag, react-toastify, and react-typekit. API's: Marine Traffic API Other tools: MySQL Workbench


⚙️ No tests have been performed on this application.
