The code for "Stochastic First-order Algorithms for Constrained Distributionally Robust Optimization" by Hyungki Im and Paul Grigas
Python >= 3.7
CVXPY >= 1.1.17
Mosek >= 10.0.34
In the Fairness ML experiment, we utilized the Adult income dataset from UCI [1]. We conducted three experiments, and the code for each of these experiments follows a similar structure. As the structure is nearly identical, we provide a brief introduction for each code within the Fairness ML folder.
We compare our approach (SOFO) with its deterministic version (OFO) from [2].
Our codes are largely consisted of three parts: 1) run_test 2) test_functions 3) solver 4) Others
- run_test: This code outputs results that is needed to compare the solving time between SOFO and OFO for different n: This code outputs results that is needed to compare the convergence rate of SOFO for different K. This code outputs results that is needed to compare the SP gap versus cpu time between SOFO and OFO.
This code includes all the functions that is needed to implement run_test.
- Solver:
FML_SMD_Solver: Code for SOFO-based Approach.
FML_FMD_Solver: Code for OFO-based Approach.
- Others:
This includes and which contains calculation functions for our solvers.
[1] Set, A. D. (2017). UCI machine learning repository. Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems. Retrieved from http://archive. ics. uci. edu/ml/datasets/Pima+ Indians+ Diabetes.
[2] Ho-Nguyen, Nam, and Fatma Kılınç-Karzan. "Online first-order framework for robust convex optimization." Operations Research 66.6 (2018): 1670-1692.