
Multi-step forms for your Symfony2 project.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


CraueFormFlowBundle provides a facility for building and handling multi-step forms. It makes it easy to turn an existing form into a multi-step form flow.


  • navigation (next, back, start over)
  • step descriptions
  • skipping of specified steps
  • different validation group for each step
  • dynamic step navigation

A live demo can be found at http://craue.de/sf2playground/en/CraueFormFlow/.

This bundle should be used in conjunction with Symfony2.


Add the bundle to your vendor directory

Either by using a Git submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/craue/CraueFormFlowBundle.git vendor/bundles/Craue/FormFlowBundle

Or by using the deps file:


Add the bundle to your application kernel

// in app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles() {
	$bundles = array(
		// ...
		new Craue\FormFlowBundle\CraueFormFlowBundle(),
	// ...

Register the Craue namespace

// in app/autoload.php
	// ...
	'Craue' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',


This section shows how to create a 3-step form flow for user registration.

Create a flow class

// src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFlow.php
use Craue\FormFlowBundle\Form\FormFlow;

class RegisterUserFlow extends FormFlow {

	protected $maxSteps = 3;


If you'd like to render an overview of all steps you have to implement a loadStepDescriptions method returning an array of descriptions where the value with index 0 will be the description for step 1:

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFlow.php
protected function loadStepDescriptions() {
	return array(
		'Terms of service',

By default, these descriptions will be translated using the messages domain when rendered in Twig.

Create a form type class

You only have to create one form type class for a flow. An option called flowStep is passed to the form type so it can build the form according to the step to render.

// src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFormType.php
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder;

class RegisterUserFormType extends AbstractType {

	public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options) {
		switch ($options['flowStep']) {
			case 1:
				$builder->add('email', 'email');
			case 2:
				$builder->add('plainPassword', 'repeated', array(
					'type' => 'password',
			case 3:
				$builder->add('termsOfService', 'checkbox');

	public function getDefaultOptions(array $options) {
		$options = parent::getDefaultOptions($options);

		$options['flowStep'] = 1;
		$options['data_class'] = 'MyCompany\MyBundle\Entity\MyUser'; // should point to your user entity

		return $options;

	public function getName() {
		return 'registerUser';


Register your form type and flow as services

	<service id="myCompany.form.registerUser"
		<tag name="form.type" alias="registerUser" />

	<service id="myCompany.form.flow.registerUser"
		<call method="setFormType">
			<argument type="service" id="myCompany.form.registerUser" />

Create a form template

You also only need one template for a flow. The instance of your flow class is passed to the template in a variable called flow so you can use it to render the form according to the current step.

{# in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Resources/views/User/registerUser.html.twig #}
	{% include 'CraueFormFlowBundle:FormFlow:stepList.html.twig' %}
<form method="post" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>
	{% include 'CraueFormFlowBundle:FormFlow:stepField.html.twig' %}

	{{ form_errors(form) }}

	{% if flow.getCurrentStep() == 3 %}
			You have to agree to the terms of service to register.<br />
			{{ form_row(form.termsOfService) }}
	{% endif %}

	{{ form_rest(form) }}

	{% include 'CraueFormFlowBundle:FormFlow:buttons.html.twig' %}

For the buttons to render correctly you need to tell Assetic to include a CSS file. So place this in your base template:

{% stylesheets '@CraueFormFlowBundle/Resources/assets/css/buttons.css' %}
	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}

Create an action

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Controller/UserController.php
 * @Template
public function registerUserAction() {
	$user = new MyUser(); // should be your user entity

	$flow = $this->get('myCompany.form.flow.registerUser'); // must match the flow's service id

	$form = $flow->createForm($user);
	if ($flow->isValid($form)) {

		if ($flow->nextStep()) {
			// render form for next step
			return array(
				'form' => $flow->createForm($user)->createView(),
				'flow' => $flow,

		// flow finished
		$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

		return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('home')); // redirect when done

	return array(
		'form' => $form->createView(),
		'flow' => $flow,

Advanced stuff

Validation groups

To validate the form data class a step-based validation group is passed to the form type. By default, if getName() of the form type returns registerUser, such a group is named flow_registerUser_step1 for the first step.

Passing step-based options to the form type

If your form type needs options to build the form (e.g. conditional fields) you can override the getFormOptions method of your flow class. Before you can use the options you have to define them in your form type class:

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFormType.php
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options) {
	$options = parent::getDefaultOptions($options);

	// ...
	$options['givenUsername'] = null;

	return $options;

Then you can set them in your flow class. It's important that an option needed for one step is also available for all subsequent ones, so don't use switch here.

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFlow.php
public function getFormOptions($formData, $step, array $options = array()) {
	$options = parent::getFormOptions($formData, $step, $options);

	if ($step > 1) {
		$options['givenUsername'] = $formData->getUsername();

	return $options;

Enabling dynamic step navigation

Dynamic step navigation means that the step list rendered will contain links to go back/forth to a specific step directly. To enable it you could extend the flow class mentioned in the example above as follows:

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Form/RegisterUserFlow.php
class RegisterUserFlow extends FormFlow {

	protected $allowDynamicStepNavigation = true;

	// ...


To force clearing of saved step data when finishing the flow you should call $flow->reset() in the action:

// in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Controller/UserController.php
public function registerUserAction() {
	// ...

	// flow finished
	// ...

	// ...

Furthermore, if you'd like to remove the step parameter (added by using such a direct link) when submitting the form you should modify the opening form tag in the form template like this:

<form method="post" action="{{ path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'),
		app.request.query.all | craue_removeDynamicStepNavigationParameter(flow)) }}" {{ form_enctype(form) }}>