
A collection of classical data structures and algorithms implemented in Typescript with video lectures

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Algorithms and Data Structures


A collection of classical data structures and algorithms implemented in Typescript. Click the 📹 emoji for tutorials.

Data structure series: View the entire series in order here.

Algorithms/leetcode series: View the entire series in order here

The repository's primary goal is educational. Hence, all implementations include a prolific number of comments which guide the reader.

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Data Structures


Following algoritms/problems compiled from Grokking, EPI, and AlgoExpert


  • 509. Fibonacci Number (Easy)
  • 896. Monotonic Array (Easy)
  • 238. Product of Array Except Self (Medium)
  • 48. Rotate Image (Medium)
  • 33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array (Medium)
  • 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array (Medium)
  • 189. Rotate Array (Easy)
  • 118. Pascal's Triangle (Easy)
  • 54. Spiral Matrix (Medium)
  • 280. Wiggle Sort (Medium)
  • 36. Valid Sodoku (Medium)
  • 48. Rotate Image (Medium)
  • 4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays (Hard)
  • 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard)
  • 1200. Minimum Absolute Difference (Easy)

Sliding Window

  • 209. Minim Size Subarray Sum (Medium)
  • 904. Fruit Into Baskets (Medium)
  • 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)
  • 1004. Max Consecutive Ones III (Medium)
  • 567. Permutation in String (Medium)
  • 438. Find All Anagrams in a String (Medium)
  • 46. Minimum Window Substring (Hard)
  • 76. Minimum Window Substring (Hard)
  • 239. Sliding Window Maximum (Hard)

Two Pointers

  • 167. Two Sum II (Easy)
  • 283. Move Zeroes
  • 26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (Easy)
  • 977. Squares of a Sorted Array (Easy)
  • 15. 3Sum (Medium)
  • 16. 3Sum Closest (Medium)
  • 713. Subarray Product Less than K (Medium)
  • 75. Sort Colors (Medium)
  • 18. 4Sum (Medium)
  • 845. Longest Mountain in Array (Medium)
  • 844. Backspace String Compare (Easy)
  • 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray (Easy)

Fast and Slow Pointers

  • 141. Linked List Cycle (Easy)
  • 142. Linked List Cycle II (Easy)
  • 876. Middle of the Linked List (Easy)
  • 234. Palindrome Linked List (Easy)
  • 143. Reorder List (Medium)
  • 457. Circular Array Loop (Medium)

Binary Search

Merge Intervals

Cyclic Sort


Linked List

  • 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy)
  • 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists (Easy)
  • 83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (Easy)
  • 19. Remove Nth Node From End of List (Medium)
  • 138. Copy List with Random Pointer (Medium)
  • 19. Remove Nth Node from End of List (Medium)
  • 2. Add Two Numbers (Medium)
  • 138. Copy List with Random Pointer (Medium)
  • 234. Palindrome Linked List (Easy)
  • 86. Partition List (Medium)

Linked List Reversal

  • 206. Reverse Linked List (Easy)
  • 92. Reverse Linked List II (Medium)
  • 61. Rotate List (Medium)
  • 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs (Medium)
  • 328. Odd Even Linked List (Medium)
  • 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group (Hard)


  • 617. Merge Two Binary Trees (Easy)
  • 226. Invert Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 110. Balanced Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 101. Symmetric Tree (Easy)
  • 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (Medium)
  • 144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (Medium)
  • 145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (Hard)
  • 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (Medium)
  • 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard)
  • 145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Tree (Hard)

Tree Breadth First Search

  • 101. Symmetric Tree (Easy)
  • 102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (Medium)
  • 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II (Easy)
  • 103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (Medium)
  • 637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (Medium)
  • 199. Binary Tree Right Side View (Medium)

Tree Depth First Search

  • 112. Path Sum (Easy)
  • 100. Same Tree (Easy)
  • 113. Path Sum II (Medium)
  • 437. Path Sum III (Easy)
  • 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal (Medium)
  • 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List (Medium)
  • 129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers (Medium)
  • 543. Diameter of a Binary Tree (Easy)
  • 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum (Hard)
  • 98. Validate Binary Search Tree (Medium)
  • 1028. Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal (Hard)

Stack/Queues/Monotonic Queues

  • 496. Next Greater Element I (Easy)
  • 503. Next Greater Element II (Medium)
  • 901. Online Stock Span (Medium)
  • 739. Daily Temperatures (Medium)
  • 907. Sum of Subarray Minimums (Medium)
  • 456. 132 Pattern (Medium)
  • 42. Trapping Rain Water (Hard)
  • 862. Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K (Hard)
  • 84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram (Hard)
  • 239. Sliding Window Maximum (Hard)
  • 891. Sum of Subsequence Widths (Hard)

Two Heaps

  • 295. Find Median from Data Stream (Hard)
  • 502. IPO (Hard)

Top K Elements

  • 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array (Medium)
  • 347. Top K Frequent Elements (Medium)
  • 973. K Closest Points to Origin (Medium)
  • 451. Sort Characters by Frequency (Medium)
  • 767. Reorganize String (Medium)
  • 658. Find K Closest Elements (Medium)
  • 692. Top K Frequent Words (Medium)
  • 621. Task Scheduler (Medium)
  • 895. Maximum Frequency Stack (Hard)
  • 1000. Minimum Cost to Merge Stones (Hard)

K-way Merge

  • 23. Merge K Sorted Lists (Hard)
  • 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix (Medium)
  • 373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums (Medium)


  • 146. LRU Cache (Medium)
  • 155. Min Stack (Easy)
  • 622. Design Circular Queue (Medium)
  • 232. Implement Queue using Stacks (Easy)
  • 211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design (Medium)
  • 705. Design HashSet (Easy)
  • 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard)


  • 78. Subsets (Easy)
  • 90. Subsets II (Medium)
  • 46. Permutations (Medium)
  • 47. Permutations II (Medium)
  • 60. Permutation Sequence (Hard)
  • 22. Generate Parentheses (Hard)
  • 39. Combination Sum (Medium)
  • 40. Combinatin Sum II (Medium)
  • 216. Combination Sum III (Medium)
  • 77. Combinations (Medium)
  • 526. Beautiful Arrangement (Medium)
  • 784. Letter Case Permutation (Easy)
  • 980. Unique Paths III (Hard)
  • 131. Palindrome Partitioning (Medium)
  • 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (Medium)
  • 51. N-Queens (Hard)
  • 37. Sudoker Solver (Hard)
  • 79. Word Search (Medium)
  • 212. Word Search II (Hard)


  • 763. Partition Labels (Medium)
  • 407. Queue Reconstruction by Height (Medium)
  • 1046. Last Stone Weight (Easy)
  • 1029. Two City Scheduling (Easy)
  • 621. Task Scheduler (Medium)
  • 767. Reorganize String (Medium)
  • 435. Non-overlapping Intervals (Medium)
  • 134. Gas Station (Medium)
  • 55. Jump Game (Medium)
  • 45. Jump Game II (Hard)
  • 630. Course Schedule III (Hard)
  • 135. Candy (Hard)
  • 402. Remove K Digits (Medium)
  • 314. Remove Duplicate Letters (Hard)
  • 765. Couples Holding Hands (Hard)

Topological Sort

  • 207. Course Schedule (Medium)
  • 210. Course Schedule II (Medium)
  • 269. Alien Dictionary (Hard)
  • 444. Sequence Reconstruction (Hard)
  • 310. Minimum Height Trees (Medium)

Union Find

  • 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence (Hard)
  • 200. Number of Islands (Medium)
  • Graph Valid Tree
  • Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph


  • 208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (Medium)
  • 676. Implement Magic Dictionary (Medium)
  • 677. Map Sum Pairs (Medium)
  • 648. Replace Words (Medium)
  • 421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array (Medium)
  • 692. Top K Frequent Words (Medium)
  • 1032. Stream of Characters (Hard)
  • 212. Word Search II (Hard)
  • 472. Concatenated Words (Hard)
  • 336. Palindrome Pairs (Hard)
  • Index Pairs of a String
  • Design Search Autocomplete System
  • Word Squares

Bit Manipulation

  • 231. Power of Two (Easy)
  • 201. Bitwise AND of Numbers Range (Easy)
  • 461. Hamming Distance (Easy)
  • 338. Counting Bits (Medium)
  • 136. Single Number (Easy)
  • 137. Single Number II (Medium)
  • 260. Single Number III (Medium)
  • 1109. Complement of Base 10 Integer (Easy)
  • 832. Flipping an Image (Easy)
  • 476. Number Complement (Easy)
  • 784. Letter Case Permutation (Easy)
  • 169. Majority Element (Easy)
  • 318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths (Medium)
  • 477. Total Hamming Distance (Medium)



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